小小故事Dog Baby
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    Dog Baby

    One day, when I was at a food court with Mommy, I saw a man carrying a little dog in a bag. I thought it looked a little funny because he carried the dog as if it were a little baby. I do not treat Buster like a baby because I think that he is too big to be one; but Mommy said that some animals, like elephants and whales, are very big even when they are babies. I remember one time I went to a zoo and saw a little elephant that was bigger than Daddy!

    I do not remember being a baby. I can only look at the pictures of me when I was a baby. Mommy said she liked dressing me in pretty clothes and putting ribbons in my hair. Maybe one day I will have a little girl that I can dress in pretty things too.


      上一篇:小小故事Buster Chick Hat 下一篇:小小故事Paper Fire-Crackers

