CET-6听力题解题思路: 租房及装修场景
教程:英语六级经验技巧  浏览:530  
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       rent 房租let 出租lease 租约,契约

       landlord 房东tenant 房客hall 门厅

       utility bills 水电及煤气费corridor/passage 走廊cabinet 橱柜

       poster 海报,宣传画shower pipe 淋浴管道leak 漏洞,裂缝

       maintenance 维修,保养paint 油漆 peel off 剥落,脱落

       stove 炉子



       11.[A]The man is the manager of the apartment building.

       [B]The woman is very good at bargaining.

       [C]The woman will get the apartment refurnished.

       [D]The man is looking for an apartment.

       原文:W:This is one of our best and least expensive two?bedroom listings.It's located in a quiet building and it's close to bus lines.

       M:That may be true.But look at it.It's awful.The paint has peeled off and carpet is worn and the stove is ancient.

       Q:What can we infer from the conversation?


       解析:女士提到该公寓位置和交通上的优势,男士却说but look at it,it's awful,the paint has peeled off and carpet is worn and the stove is ancient“但是看看这屋子,太糟糕了。漆都脱落了,地毯磨损了,炉子也非常旧”,这说明男士正在挑剔这位女士提供的公寓,由此可知男士正在找公寓。


       2.[A]The man will probably have to find a roommate.

       [B]The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs.

       [C]The man will probably have to buy a car.

       [D]The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires.

       原文:M:I'm looking for an apartment with a monthly rent of around $200 in this neighborhood.Could you give some advice on that?

       W:Well.It's rather hard to find anything for less than $300 around there.Rents are lower in suburbs,but you'll need transportation if you choose to live there.

       Q:What do we learn from the conversation?




       8.[A]Hang some pictures for decoration.

       [B]Find room for the paintings.

       [C]Put more coats of paint on the wall.

       [D]Paint the walls to match the furniture.

       原文:M:How do you like the way I've arranged the furniture in my living room?

       W:Fine,but I think the walls could do with a few paintings.

       Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?


       解析:女士的话but后面的内容是答题的关键,I think the walls could do with a few paintings就是建议男士可以在墙上挂一些paintings。注意此处painting的意思是“画”,也就是建议男士挂一些图画装饰墙面,而不是给墙面刷漆,这道题容易错选D。

      上一篇:CET-6听力题解题思路: 修理工场景 下一篇:CET-6听力题解题思路: 购物消费场景

