W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether it's possible for me to take a vacation early next month?
M: Did you fill out a request form?
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
W: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. It's really beautiful.
M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?
因为以往已经考过一些日常生活最常见的场景,所以最近几次考试中也在寻找一些新的场景词来加大考试的难度以及考察考生的真实水平,本题题干中其实已经出现了答案“campus”一词,所以可以说不是一道难题。但如果考生没有听到这个词的话,无疑要通过后文一些有一定难度的词来推测了,比如:trees,lawns,columns,architecture等,像lawns,architecture,Greek style这样的难词往往会使考生如坠云雾中,孰不知最重要的部分其实就是那个campus。
M: Would you pass me the Sports Section, please?
W: Sure, if you give me the classified ads and Local News Section.
Q: What are the speakers doing?
这题中以Sports Section, ads以及Local News Section为引导信息,给出了一个读报场景。
(1)营业员与顾客(shop assistant and customer):
What can I do for you?/on sale/Can I help you?/out of style/ready-made/receipt/check-out stand/size/color/fit/look round
(2)饭店服务员与顾客(waiter/waitress and customer):
menu/seasoning/order/treat/go Dutch/steak/ham/bill/Dutch Treat/reserve/make a reservation
(3)图书管理员与学生(librarian and student):
borrow/renew/library card/library catalogue/loan desk/due/overdue/fine/finish reading
(4)医生与病人(doctor and patient):
What's wrong?/What seems to be the symptom?/What's the matter?/indigestion/stomachache/be operated on/give an injection/chest pain/feel worn out
(5)教师与学生(teacher and student):
tuition/registration/required course/compulsory course/optional course/elective course/drop out/quit school/credits/attendance/pass course
(6)空姐与乘客(airhostess and passenger):
take off/board/fasten seatbelt/land/depart/departure time/extinguish cigarettes
(7)老板与秘书(boss and secretary):
copy/make arrangement/break down/inform