My mom looked in the direction I was pointing in time to see, two huge hairy legs step over the ledge of the roof. That was all she needed to see, she picked me up turned around and started running for Mister's store. She didn't see the whole spider but I did. It was so big its body completely covered one of the windows on the side of the building. In addition it was headed diagonally toward us with amazing speed. Mom got into the store and locked the door behind her. Mister, was surprised, she would do this but could tell she was terrified. What's wrong Mrs. S, why are you so pale? My mother was primarily Spanish speaking. So what she said was, "This big black thing, it try to kill me and the baby!!" Mister was confused but he thought my mother was talking about a black man. He said, "Now Mrs. S. it's not nice to refer to people as things. But I will call the police." Mom said, "No people, no people, big black many legs, it kill, it kill!"
Now while this confusing conversation is going on, I can see in my minds eye what the spider is doing and sense what it's thinking. It's thinking it can't come into the store, someone might actually see it. Usually, its intended victim can only see it. But for some reason it could not understand or explain, it knew I could see it and I should not have been able to. I had a psychic link to my mom and despite the inconvenience of my ability to see it, the spider knew it had to complete its mission of killing my mother.
妈妈立刻看向我指的方向,看到两只毛茸茸的长腿搭在屋檐上。妈妈见状转身抱起我,跑向先生的药店。她没有看到整只蜘蛛,但我看到了。它真是太大了,足足覆盖了大楼一侧的一扇窗户,而且它正以极快的速度向我们斜冲过来。妈妈跑进店里,反手锁上门。先生很惊讶,因为妈妈这么做表明她很害怕。“怎么了S太太,你脸色怎么那么苍白?”妈妈主要说西班牙语,她回答说:“那个大黑东西要杀我和孩子!!”先生有些不解,他以为妈妈在说一个黑人。所以他说 :“S太太,把人叫东西也可以。我来报警。”妈妈说:“没人,没人,大的黑的长着很多脚,它要杀我们,要杀!”