灵异故事:神秘的咖啡杯 03
教程:灵异故事  浏览:614  
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    The Coffee Cup 03

    I was running a little behind one morning, so the kitchen crew already was there when I arrived. As I hurriedly unlocked the gate door, I saw that the lights in the kitchen were on and that they silhouetted the dining room and its furnishings through the kitchen and dining room doorway. I also saw distinctly that someone was sitting at one of the tables - the table closest to the kitchen.

    I was startled, but as I was in a hurry, I just called out a “good morning” since I thought it must be one of the kitchen crew, and moved to turn on the lights. The moment the lights came on, I saw that no one was sitting at the table, but there was an almost empty cup of coffee left on it. Oddly, though, the chair again was pulled back only enough for someone to have been sitting at the table, but not pushed back for someone to have had enough room to stand up suddenly and walk away. I decided to find out who was doing this, so I took the cup back into the kitchen area and found the morning shift chef and his two helpers busily chopping melons and getting the breakfast items out of the walk-in refrigerator. All denied that they had been in the dining room. I asked if anyone had come through the kitchen just then, but they said they had not seen anyone. This was a little creepy to me, but I shrugged it off as I was behind schedule and needed to get to work.

    神秘的咖啡杯 03



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