Room 13-04
13号房间 04
Anderson finished the cigarette. He left the ashtray on the window ledge. Then he turned out the lamp and went to bed.
Next morning, the maid brought hot water to the room. Anderson woke up and remembered his suitcase.
“Where is my suitcase, please.” He asked.
The maid laughed and pointed. The suitcase was on the table beside the wall. It was exactly where Anderson had left it.
He noticed another strange thing. His ashtray was on the middle window-ledge. He clearly remembered smoking his cigarette by the end window--- next to number 13.
He finished dressing and decided to visit his neighbor in room13. He was surprised when he went to the door of the next room. The next room was number 14! Anerson was frightened. Was he going mad?
After breakfast, he went to the Town Hall and read more of the old papers. He found only one more letter from the Bishop about Nicolas Francken. A group of town people had tried to make Francken leave Viborg. They had gone to Francken’s house, but Francken had disappeared. The Bishop wrote that no one knew where Flancken had gone. That was the end of the matter.
13号房间 04
Anderson finished the cigarette. He left the ashtray on the window ledge. Then he turned out the lamp and went to bed.
Next morning, the maid brought hot water to the room. Anderson woke up and remembered his suitcase.
“Where is my suitcase, please.” He asked.
The maid laughed and pointed. The suitcase was on the table beside the wall. It was exactly where Anderson had left it.
He noticed another strange thing. His ashtray was on the middle window-ledge. He clearly remembered smoking his cigarette by the end window--- next to number 13.
He finished dressing and decided to visit his neighbor in room13. He was surprised when he went to the door of the next room. The next room was number 14! Anerson was frightened. Was he going mad?
After breakfast, he went to the Town Hall and read more of the old papers. He found only one more letter from the Bishop about Nicolas Francken. A group of town people had tried to make Francken leave Viborg. They had gone to Francken’s house, but Francken had disappeared. The Bishop wrote that no one knew where Flancken had gone. That was the end of the matter.