Welcome to Spring at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. 欢迎来到Faith轻松电台的春天。我是Faith. |
Today, look at the blue sky, hear the gra
今天,仰望蓝天,聆听小草在脚下生长,呼吸春天的气息,细细品尝大地的果实,然后放开双手拥抱你的所爱。让上帝唤醒你那神圣的知觉。 |
What a miracle it is. No matter how long the winter, how hard the frost or how deep the snow, Nature triumphs. No season is awaited so eagerly or welcomed so warmly as spring…Each year I am astonished by the wealth of flowers the season gives us: the subtlety of the wild primroses and violets, the rich palette of crocus in the parks, tall soldier tulips and proud trumpeting daffodils and narci
这真是一个奇迹!无论冬天多么漫长,无论霜雪多么严寒,自然总能获胜。没有哪个季节像春天那么让人翘首企盼……每年春花的烂漫总让我惊讶不已:野生报春花和紫罗兰的娇嫩,公园里藏红花的多彩,还有高大的郁金香和傲然的水仙花。 |
Picture this: The air and the earth interpenetrated in the warm gusts of spring; the soil was full of sunlight, and the sunlight full of red dust. The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells, and the gra
每个春天都是想象这样一幅图景:温暖的春风弥漫着泥土的气息,阳光照射着每一寸土壤,土壤把阳光染成深红色。空气中渗透着泥土的清香,脚下的小草与头上的蓝天遥相呼应。 |
Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment. 独一无二的,是自然界永恒的奇迹。 |