English For Business
第十课: 洽谈生意
Lesson 10: Talking Business
各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听澳大利亚维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心AMES 和澳洲广播电台联合为您编播制作的《商业英语教程》节目。我是澳广节目主持人马健媛。
Harvey: Lian, I know your time in Sydney is limited. So I hope you don’t mind me raising this.
哈维: 丽安,我知道您在悉尼的时间非常有限,所以我希望您不在意我提出下面这个话题。
Harvey: Silver Heaven’s reputation is remarkable for an estate that distributes only locally.
哈维: 做为一个地方性销售公司,“银色天堂”公司是一个非常不错的公司。
Harvey: At the moment it’s only Australian travellers who have the opportunity to try your tea.
哈维: 目前来看只有能够到你们那里旅行的澳洲游客才有机会品尝到你们的茶叶。
Harvey: Our company would be very interested in helping you to expand your distribution to Australia.
哈维: 我们的公司非常有兴趣协助你们扩展贵公司在澳大利亚的销售渠道。
Lian: Yes, Harvey, I know. And I’m aware that Hale and Hearty has a solid reputation too.
丽安: 是的,哈维。我了解你所说的这些。我也知道“哈尔及哈迪食品公司”享有卓著的声誉。
Harvey: So you’d have no objections to setting up a formal meeting?
哈维: 那也就是说您不反对我们双方进行正式会晤?
Lian: I think that would be a good idea.
丽安: 我想这是一个不错的想法。。。
Harvey: How about Monday?
哈维: 星期一怎么样?
Lian: I’m afraid, we have another engagement on Monday. But Tuesday is fine if that’s all right with you.
丽安: 很抱歉我们星期一有另外一个约会。但是如果你可以接受的话,我们星期二没有问题。
Harvey: Lian, I know your time in Sydney is limited. So I hope you don’t mind me raising this.
哈维: 丽安,我知道您在悉尼的时间非常有限,所以我希望您不在意我提出下面这个话题。
Listen… do you mind if we talk business for a moment?
I know you don’t have a lot of time so do you mind if we discuss business for a minute?
Now, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your business. Is now a good time?
Listen, do you mind if we talk business for a moment?
I know you don’t have a lot of time...so do you mind if we discuss business for a minute?
Now, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your business.
Is now a good time?
Harvey: Our company would be very interested in helping you to expand your distribution to Australia.
哈维: 我们的公司非常有兴趣协助你们扩展贵公司在澳大利亚的销售渠道。
Lian: Yes, Harvey, I know. And I’m aware that Hale and Hearty has a solid reputation too.
丽安: 是的,哈维。我了解你所说的这些。我也知道“哈尔及哈迪食品公司”享有卓著的声誉。
Harvey: So you’d have no objections to setting up a formal meeting?
哈维: 那也就是说您不反对我们双方进行正式会晤?
Our company would be very interested in helping you expand.
We’d welcome the opportunity to help you set up.
So you have no objections to a formal meeting?
What would you say to meeting about this?
第十课: 洽谈生意
Lesson 10: Talking Business
Lian: Thanks for an extremely enjoyable afternoon.
丽安: 这个下午过得非常愉快,谢谢了。
Victoria: It was my pleasure.
维多利亚: 我很高兴为您服务。
Lian: See you Harvey.
丽安: 再见,哈维。
Harvey: Yes, see you. Bye. I’ll call you on Monday to confirm that time.
哈维: 再见,再见。我星期一时会打电话确认会晤时间。
Lok: Bye!
洛克: 再见。
Victoria: Cheers!
维多利亚: 再见。
Victoria: It’s no good, Harvey. I tried. They’re only here for a holiday.
维多利亚: 情况不乐观,哈维。我试过了。他们这次来完全是一次度假旅行。
Harvey: Yes… and to expand their distribution to Australia. I’ve set up a meeting for Tuesday morning.
哈维: 是的,,,可是他们也是来扩展他们在澳洲的销售渠道的。我已经和他们约好了星期二早晨进行业务洽谈。
Victoria: Oh. Harvey, I could give you a hand with the presentation if you like.
维多利亚: 噢,,, 哈维,如果你愿意的话,我可以帮你准备说明材料。
Harvey: Thanks, Victoria. I will need a hand. Let’s sit down and nut out our approach.
哈维: 谢谢,维多利亚。我是需要帮忙的。我们一起坐下来研究一下我们的行动步骤吧。
Victoria: OK.
维多利亚: 好啊。
Harvey: We’d better get cracking. We’ve got lots of work to do.
哈维: 我们最好现在就动手,我们有很多的事情要做呢。
Lian: Thanks for an extremely enjoyable afternoon.
Victoria: It was my pleasure.
Lian: See you Harvey.
Harvey: Yes, see you. Bye. I’ll call you on Monday to confirm that time.
Lok: Bye!
Victoria: Cheers!
Thanks for your time.
My pleasure.
See you soon.
Yes, catch you later.
I’ll call you about that meeting.
OK. See you later.
当维多利亚得知哈维已经和丽安约好星期二正式进行业务谈判时,她主动提出帮助哈维准备公司的介绍材料。在这段对话中维多利亚使用了英语里一个很常用的习惯说法,那就是 “to give a hand”,也就是帮忙的意思。您不妨这样记住这个习惯说法,我们伸给他人
一只手,目的是为了帮助他人。另外一个常用的习惯说法是“sing out ”,也就是告诉我的意思。让我们一起来听录音。
Victoria: Harvey, I could give you a hand with the presentation if you like.
维多利亚: 哈维,如果你愿意的话,我可以帮你准备说明材料。
Harvey: Thanks, Victoria. I will need a hand. Let’s sit down and nut out our approach.
哈维: 谢谢,维多利亚。我是需要帮忙的。我们一起坐下来研究一下我们的行动步骤吧。
If you need help with the presentation, just sing out.
Thanks. I think I’ll take you up on that.
I could give you a hand if you like.
Thanks, I will need a hand.
If you need help with the presentation, just sing out.
Thanks. I think I’ll take you up on that.
Would you like me to help you with that order?
I’ll be fine. Thanks, anyway!
Will you need any help preparing for that trip?
No, but thanks for offering.
Is now a good time
To talk business
Talk business
Is now a good time
To talk business with you?
Is now a good time
To talk business
Talk business
Is now a good time
To talk business with you?
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