BBC Learning English – 15 Minute Programmes 15 分钟节目
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New Year Diet 新年开始节食
Jean: Hello, 欢迎大家收听我们 BBC Learning English 为您特别制作的节目。我
Helen: And I’m Helen. In today’s programme we are looking at an issue
that’s very important to our lives.
Jean: Gosh, you sound really serious. What’s this important subject?
Helen: It’s about dieting and obesity.
Jean: Dieting 节食。 Obesity 肥胖。Oh no, do we have to talk about it
today? 新的一年刚开始就讨论这么严峻的话题!
Helen: But it is something that a lot of people in the UK will be talking
about in the New Year. In fact, it’s one of the most popular New
Year’s resolutions people make.
Jean: A new year’s resolution 新年誓言。一般来讲人们在这个时候都决心在新的
Helen: Especially after the festive season.
Jean: 在英国,人们在每年的12月里都会吃得比别的时候更多。
Helen: That’s what Christmas celebrations are all about. I think it’s
probably the same for the Chinese New Year. Am I right?
Jean: Yes, you’re right. 在我们中国的春节期间,大家通常也是大量的足吃足喝。
Helen: And if you eat and drink a lot in a short space of time, we call it
binge eating or binge drinking. I’ve been bingeing on food and wine
for the past two weeks.
Jean: 暴食暴饮,大吃大喝 that’s bingeing. 一般来讲我们都知道这对身体健康是
Helen: And to make things right, this lady we interviewed on a street in
London plans to make a New Year’s resolution to improve her
I do usually get to January and feel that I just need to feel a bit more healthy,
and cut back on the food and the alcohol that I’ve been bingeing on for the whole
of December.
Jean: 这位女士说她需要更健康的感觉。
Helen: And in order to achieve that, she’s going to cut back on the food
and alcohol she’s been bingeing on.
Jean: 节制、减少 cut back. 她决心不能再像12月份的时候那么大吃大喝了。就是
Helen: Let’s listen to her again.
I do usually get to January and feel that I just need to feel a bit more healthy,
and cut back on the food and the alcohol that I’ve been bingeing on for the whole
of December.
Jean: 其实我也应该开始注意多吃一些健康的食品了。 I really enjoyed my roast
dinners and wines for the past few weeks.
Helen: Me too. So it was a bit depressing to learn that the whole country is
200 million pounds heavier after Christmas and the New Year.
Jean: Oh my god, that much fat? 整个英国在圣诞和元旦期间一共肥了2 亿磅!
Helen: And on average, each one of us has piled on 5 pounds.
Jean: Pile on 就是增加体重的意思,真够形象的,直译过来就是堆起来了的意思
piling on 5 pounds.
Helen: And Rosemary Connolly, a fitness expert, has been on the BBC
Breakfast show to talk about how we managed to put on all this
extra fat on our body.
That’s 5 pounds of fat, which is – Louise was saying – it’s the average that people
put on over Christmas. It’s so easy, we are less active – we’ve been very busy in
the run up to Christmas, and then we’re less active over Christmas. Because,
because, because. And there’s all this extra food around that we don’t normally
have and we think oh, because it’s Christmas we’ll eat it. It’s very hard to lose
the weight afterwards, but it’s very easy to put it on over Christmas.
Jean: I couldn’t agree with her more. 减肥可不是件容易的事,尤其圣诞节的时
Helen: We are very active before Christmas, but less active during
Jean: Active 活跃的,多运动的。圣诞大购物可以算运动量够大的吧。
Helen: And that’s usually a highly stressful activity for me too.
Jean: 而英国在圣诞期间的食品也是很独特的,绝对是高卡路里的。
Helen: High in fat,
Jean: 多油的。
Helen: High in sugar content,
Jean: 多糖的。
Helen: High in protein,
Jean: 高蛋白的。
Helen: High in everything and totally irresistible,
Jean: 而且都是令人无法抗拒的 irresistible.
That’s 5 pounds of fat, which is – Louise was saying – it’s the average that people
put on over Christmas. It’s so easy, we are less active – we’ve been very busy in
the run up to Christmas, and then we’re less active over Christmas. Because,
because, because. And there’s all this extra food around that we don’t normally
have and we think oh, because it’s Christmas we’ll eat it. It’s very hard to lose
the weight afterwards, but it’s very easy to put it on over Christmas.
Helen: Hello you are listening to BBC Learning English.
Jean: 我们今天的热门话题就是节庆假期过后的健康问题。
Helen: We’ve just finished our Christmas holiday and now we have to face
the grim consequences of overeating and drinking.
Jean: 我们已经听到有报道说,圣诞过后的英国全国人加起来整整肥了2 亿磅重,就
是说,每个人平均长了5 磅重的肥肉。
Helen: I can hear alarm bells ringing, but don’t panic. Let’s hear
Rosemary’s advice.
Jean: 让我们来听听健康专家 Rosemary的建议和忠告。
And to be honest, if it’s only 1 or 2 pounds, that’s all you need to do – just be
mindful, and leave the chocolates behind.
Jean: All of a sudden, I’m not feeling that bad now. Rosemary 她说如果你
只肥了2 磅重,那其实没有什么大问题。
Helen: Rosemary said just be mindful.
Jean: Be mindful, 要注意点儿。
Helen: Watch out for those chocolates, don't eat them, just leave them
Jean: 不要吃巧克力和其它甜食。这样绝对有助于减肥。
Helen: But there are other people who have put on more than just a few
If you have put a lot of weight on over Christmas – and some people do – some
people put a stone on. This is actually 20 pounds – now that’s a massive amount
of weight – I’m not suggesting anybody’s put that on over Christmas, but that’s
probably how much weight a lot of people have got to lose, now they are into the
new year.
Jean: 我们刚才听她用到了一个英国最常用的体重衡量单位,就叫做 a stone 一块
Helen: Now a stone – you might think it strange that body weight is
measured in stone in the UK.
Jean: 这一块石头差不多有 14 斤重。
Helen: And you’ll often hear people talking about their body weight in
stone and pounds.
Jean: What’s your weight then Helen?
Helen: I’m 8 stone and 2 pounds.
Jean: 8 块石头零两磅,那就是51公斤。
Helen: I was 8 stone before Christmas, so I’ve put on 2 pounds.
Jean: 那比起很多人来说,你这根本不算严重的。 Rosemary 说有的人一个圣诞节
就长了1 个 stone, 那是整整14斤啊!
Helen: And Rosemary also pointed out that 20 pounds is how much weight
people are looking to lose in the new year.
Jean: 这也是一个平均数量,人们一般都期望能在几个月内减下去20 磅的体重。
There are a lot of obese people out there.
Helen: And it’s definitely going to be a challenge for them.
Jean: Let’s hear Rosemary again.
And to be honest, if it’s only 1 or 2 pounds, that’s all you need to do – just be
mindful, and leave the chocolates behind. If you have put a lot of weight on over
Christmas – and some people do – some people put a stone on. This is actually
20 pounds – now that’s a massive amount of weight – I’m not suggesting
anybody’s put that on over Christmas, but that’s probably how much weight a lot
of people have got to lose, now they are into the new year.
Helen: One tough thing about trying to lose weight in January is that it’s
not a friendly month.
Jean: What do you mean by that?
Helen: Well, it’s cold in January, it’s dark outside, it’s windy and it’s rainy.
Really miserable months, so how could you possibly be motivated
to do anything?
Jean: 绝对是要靠决心 determination 和专注 focus.
Helen: And there’s no chance to go out in the sunshine and do a nice run
in the parks. A lot people don’t like going to the gym.
Jean: Mmm 是啊,如果你不喜欢去健身房怎么办呢?
Why not go to an exercise class and if you can find a diet class that incorporates
exercise all to the good, but find some aerobics – try and do something that suits
you. If you love swimming, go swimming, but if you don’t, don’t. Try and find a
fitness buddy who will go with you and encourage you – that will really help.
Jean: That's an idea! 参加一个运动健身训练班 join an exercise class, 和别人
Helen: Rosemary suggested an aerobics class.
Jean: Aerobics 健美操。一般这样的健身班每次训练大约45分钟,运动量也比较
Helen: You could burn off lots of fat.
Jean: 燃烧脂肪 burn off fat. 我家附近的健身房就开设了不少这样的健身班,有
body pump, bums, tums and legs, 还有circuit training.
Helen: The key is about doing something that suits you. I like swimming,
so I could do swimming classes. But I hate running, so I won’t go
on the treadmill.
Jean: 是呀,和好朋友一起参加健身班可以互相激励一起健身减肥。
Helen: Yes, get a fitness buddy. Buddy is a slang word for friend.
Why not go to an exercise class and if you can find a diet class that incorporates
exercise all to the good, but find some aerobics – try and do something that suits
you. If you love swimming, go swimming, but if you don’t, don’t. Try and find a
fitness buddy who will go with you and encourage you – that will really help.
Jean: We’ve talked about exercising, but what about food?
Helen: Dieting doesn’t mean starving yourself to death, I think it really
should mean eating more responsibly.
I think sometimes people go on a diet and stop eating carbohydrates, which is a
big mistake - carbohydrates give us energy. Go for food that has a low GI rating.
Jean: 很多人节食减肥的时候都尽量不吃任何的碳水化合物 carbohydrates.
Helen: Carbohydrates are foods like pasta, rice and sugar.
Jean: 其实这样并不是很有利于健康,因为人体需要从碳水化合物当中摄取能量。
Helen: Rosemary suggested going for food that has a low GI rating.
Jean: But what is that? GI rating?
Glycaemic Index, and a low Glycaemic Index is basically a ranking of
carbohydrates that allow your blood sugar levels to rise slowly and fall more
Jean: 这个GI 血糖生成指数,基本上是把各种食物当中的碳水化合物含量分别统
Helen: I did a search on the internet, and apparently low GI food includes
many vegetables and fruits. But steamed white rice came up with
very very high GI.
Jean: 那么 Rosemary 又有什么建议呢。
Eat basmati rice instead of ordinary rice, new potatoes and sweet potatoes
instead of the old potato type. And bread with grainy bits in, not the white stuff.
All pasta is low GI, and breakfast cereals that are not so processed.
Jean: 这个列表基本上是给西方人借鉴使用的。除了大米,我想咱们中国人日常吃的
Helen: Still, it’s good to learn something new. For example, basmati rice
has lower GI than white rice.
Jean: Basmati rice 就是印度香米,是一粒一粒的,不像中国的黏米。
Helen: New potatoes and sweet potatoes also have lower GI.
Jean: 通心粉 pasta 的血糖生成指数也是偏低。
Helen: And nothing too processed.
Jean: Process 就是加工, not too processed 未经太多加工的。
Helen: Well, it’s been really interesting to hear from Rosemary about
dieting and exercising.
Jean: I think I’ll make getting fit my number one priority this year.
Helen: Good for you. Maybe you should join me in the gym and be my
exercise buddy.
Jean: Super! 在我们节目结束之前,让我们来听听 Rosemary 给我们最后作的忠
The good news is, that losing weight and getting fitter is a win win situation. You
will feel healthier, and you will look loads better and you’ll feel a million dollars.
Helen: That’s what I hope to be in three months time. Getting fitter,
looking better and feel a million dollars.
Jean: 健康美丽 feel a million dollars. 不知大家是否在新的一年也准备平衡饮食,
为取得梦寐以求的身材锻炼健身呢? Good luck to all of you. 我们下次节
Helen: See you soon.