教程:记忆超人英语单词妙记手册(李峻)  浏览:3196  
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    一个外国人曾经在代数学的领域中很有名望。但当他40岁时,他突然爱上了酒精。这是他与科学疏远了。不久他靠赡养费为生。一天夜里,他喝了许多酒并走进一个死胡同。他找不到出路。于是他躺倒在一凹室里。一个机敏的警察用一只照亮的手电筒发现了他并送他去了医院。那个医生正是这个人的老同学。他用一种碱来减轻他的疼痛但发现他是过敏性的。于是医生读了许多寓言或笑话以减轻他的疼痛。“我亲爱的朋友,” 他说:“看在真主的面上,你应该注意营养,蛋白对你有好处。” “好的。谢谢” “别客气,你知道我们任何时候都是联盟。”当这个人恢复健康,他决定用一个别名回到自己的国家。他的朋友笑话他:“没有人会相信你所谓的忠诚。”但在他回到祖国那一天他发现许多人排列在机场欢迎他归来。


    An alien once was famous in the field of algebra. But when he was 40, he fell in love with alcohol all at once. This alienated him from his science. Soon he lived on alimony. One night he drank a lot and walked into a blind alley. He could not find a way out, so he lay down in an alcove. An alert policeman found him with an alight torch and sent him to the hospital. The doctor was his old classmate. He used a kind of alkali to alleviate his pain but found he was allergic. So the doctor read a lot of allegories or jokes to allay his pain. “My dear friend,” he said, “On the face of Allah, you should pay attention to alimentation. Albumen will do good to you.” “All right. Thank you.” “Not at all, you know we were an alliance all the time.” When he recovered, he decided to go back to his own country by using an alias. His friends laughed at him, “Nobody will trust your alleged allegiance.” But on the day that he arrived in his motherland, he found many people aligned at the airport and welcomed him.

      上一篇:记忆超人英语单词妙记手册(李峻)A-10:agitator---album 下一篇:记忆超人英语单词妙记手册(李峻)A-12:allied-altercate

