Ever since she burst on the scene with her brand of pop and provocative outfits, Lady Gaga has forever been compared to the queen of the music scene, Madonna.
自从Lady Gaga依靠着招牌音乐和怪异着装大红大紫那天起,她就一直被拿来和麦当娜相比较。
The similarities between the two divas have been considered so close, that the 25-year-old Born This Way star was even once accused of plagiarising one of the 52-year-old legend's famous tunes.
Now new evidence has emerged concluding the pair are in fact related.
According to celebrity genealogist Chris Child, Gaga and Madonna are distant cousins. 'They are ninth cousins once removed,' the New England Historic Genealogical Society specialist told the Boston Globe.
美国波士顿的新英格兰历史族谱学会的族谱学家克里斯·蔡尔德向《波士顿环球报》表示,麦当娜和Lady Gaga是“第九代表亲”。
After much research, Child reportedly provided proof of the findings, which showed that the two had common ancestors in the form of a farming couple, who moved from France to Quebec in the 1600s.
'When I saw that Lady Gaga had French Canadian ancestry, I thought there might be something there,' he said.
他说:“当我看到Lady Gaga有法国和加拿大血统时,我觉得应该有点什么。”
Child tracked the French Canadian families 'back 200 years within minutes'. Priests in Quebec would record all marriages between the 1600s and the 1900s.
Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, has compared herself to the Material Girl in the past.
Lady Gaga的真名是Stefani Germanotta,过去她曾将自己比喻为麦当娜歌中所唱的“物质女孩”。
'We’re both Italian-American women, we both started out in the New York underground scene - and we both became famous when we dyed our hair blonde,' she said. 'I think what Madonna and I share is that we’re both fearless, we both have a lot of nerve.'
Lady Gaga说:“我们都是有意大利血统的美国女人,我们都是从纽约的低端舞台开始寻求梦想,当我们把头发染成金色的时候,我们都红了。我觉得我和麦当娜的相同之处是,我们无惧,有巨大的勇气。”
Madonna has also made no secret of the fact she's a fan of Gaga's having been spotted at her show in New York with daughter Lourdes back in 2009.