Why Jenna Bush Hager Doesn't Want Her Kids Writing Christmas Lists to Santa
为什么 Jenna Bush Hager 不想让她的孩子给圣诞老人写圣诞清单
为什么 Jenna Bush Hager 不想让她的孩子给圣诞老人写圣诞清单
在今天与 Hoda Kotb 聊天时,Jenna Bush Hager 在拜访圣诞老人和克劳斯夫人时分享了她的一些家庭传统。
Dear Santa, you may not receive a list from Jenna Bush Hager's kids this year.
亲爱的圣诞老人,今年您可能不会收到Jenna Bush Hager孩子们的名单。
Before celebrating Christmas with her husband Henry Hager and their three children Mila, 9, Poppy, 7, and Hal, 3, the Today show co-host hopes to keep the fun under the tree to a manageable level.
在与丈夫Henry Hager和他们的三个孩子9岁的Mila 、 7岁的Poppy和 3 岁的Hal一起庆祝圣诞节之前,今日 节目的共同主持人希望将树下的乐趣保持在可控的水平。
"I'm more into experiences," Jenna told Hoda Kotb on the Dec. 22 episode of Today. "I like the fun trip or concert or whatever it is."
“我更喜欢体验,”Jenna在 12 月 22 日的Today 节目中告诉Hoda Kotb。“我喜欢有趣的旅行或音乐会或其他任何东西。”
One experience this family can't say no to is visiting Santa. But when discussing the topic of disappointment around the holidays, Jenna developed a rule that may be beneficial to other parents.
"It's all about expectation," she said. "We got to go see Santa and sit on his lap and see Mrs. Clause and Henry said, ‘Should the kids write a list?' and I'm like, ‘No, because I don't want them to think that Santa is definitely going to bring all 10 presents.'" .
“这一切都与期望有关,”她说。“我们去看圣诞老人,坐在他的腿上,看到克劳斯夫人和亨利说,‘孩子们应该写一份清单吗?’ 我想,‘不,因为我不想让他们认为圣诞老人肯定会带来所有 10 件礼物。’”
Jenna continued, "Once you get into the lists, then it's multiple things. We've lowered it a little bit."
Hoda agreed when she shared the wise advice a parent once told her. "She said, ‘Part of our job as parents is preparing our children for disappointment,'" Hoda recalled. "I feel like we're all fixes."
Christmas lists or not, there is one present Jenna has in mind for her oldest child.
"I think we're going to be adopting a little kitten," she teased. "Don't tell. Mila wants to name her Hollywood Hager and call her Holly."
“我想我们要收养一只小猫了,”她开玩笑说。“别说。Mila 想给她取名 Hollywood Hager,叫她 Holly。”
"She's ready," Jenna added. "She wants that responsibility. She just can't wait."
Today With Hoda and Jenna airs weekdays at 10 a.m. on NBC.
今天与 Hoda 和 Jenna一起在工作日上午 10 点在 NBC 播出。
(E! and NBC are part of the NBCUniversal family)
(E! 和 NBC 是 NBCUniversal 家族的一部分)