How Sherri Papini's Kidnapping Hoax Unraveled and What Happened Next
When Sherri Papini surfaced 22 days after disappearing while out for a run, her story about being abducted didn't add up. All the details on the case that's now a Lifetime movie starring Jaime King.雪莉·帕皮尼的绑架骗局是如何被揭穿的以及接下来发生了什么
当雪莉·帕皮尼在外出跑步时失踪 22 天后浮出水面时,她关于被绑架的故事并没有加起来。有关此案的所有细节现在已成为由 Jaime King 主演的 Lifetime 电影。
"Everybody who knows my wife knows that there's no reason for her to leave...She was definitely taken against her will."
So Keith Papini told Good Morning America on Nov. 6, 2016, four days after his wife, Sherri Papini, went out for an afternoon jog and didn't come home. He first realized something was seriously wrong when she failed to pick up their kids, then-4-year-old son Tyler and 2-year-old daughter Violet, from daycare.
因此,基思·帕皮尼(Keith Papini) 于 2016 年 11 月 6 日在接受《早安美国》采访时说,那是在他的妻子雪莉·帕皮尼 (Sherri Papini ) 下午出去慢跑但没有回家的四天后。当她没能从日托 中心接他们的孩子——当时 4 岁的儿子泰勒和 2 岁的女儿维奥莱特——时,他第一次意识到出了大问题。
"She could drop her phone," Keith said, "but she would never, in a million years, not pick up our children on the time that she normally would've."
The missing-person case in the Northern California city of Redding had quickly become a national story, the mystery of what happened to the 34-year-old "supermom," as her sister-in-law Suzanne Papini described her, proving hot grist for the true crime headline mill (and now a Lifetime movie starring Jaime King).
北加州雷丁市的失踪人口案迅速成为全国性的故事,这位 34 岁的“超级妈妈”的遭遇之谜,正如她的嫂子苏珊娜帕皮尼所描述的那样,证明是热门话题对于 真正的犯罪 标题工厂(现在是一部由Jaime King主演的终身电影)。
A $50,000 reward was offered for any information leading to Sherri's whereabouts.
任何能提供雪莉下落的信息都悬赏 50,000 美元。
Keith said that he had received a text message from Sherri at 10:37 a.m. on Nov. 2, a Wednesday, asking if he was coming home for lunch. Not having his personal phone at work with him, he didn't text back until 1:39 p.m.
基思说,他在 11 月 2 日星期三上午 10 点 37 分收到雪莉发来的短信,询问他是否回家吃午饭。由于没有随身携带个人电话,他直到下午 1 点 39 分才回短信
Returning to an empty house and soon finding out the kids hadn't been picked up, Keith used a phone-finder app to trace Sherri's cell—and he found it near the intersection of Old Oregon Trail and Sunrise Drive, about a mile away from their home, along with her earbuds, a few strands of blonde hair tangled amid the wires.
回到一所空房子后,基思很快发现孩子们没有被接走,他使用电话查找应用程序追踪雪莉的手机——他在旧俄勒冈小径和日出大道的交叉口附近找到了它,距离离学校大约一英里。他们的家, 连同她的耳塞,几缕金发缠绕在电线中。
"On normal days, I would open the door and my family comes, runs and give me a hug," he later told KRCR-TV.
“在平常的日子里,我会打开门,我的家人会跑过来给我一个拥抱,”他后来告诉 KRCR-TV。

Search teams scoured nearby woods and trails, authorities looked at security footage from local businesses and family and friends came into town from all over to support Keith and the kids and help any way they could.
"She has a family that loves her," Sherri's sister, Sheila Koester, told ABC. "Please just bring her home."
“她有一个爱她的家庭,”雪莉的姐姐希拉·科斯特 ( Sheila Koester ) 告诉美国广播公司。“请把她带回家。”
Naturally, the Internet insisted it knew what really happened—Keith totally had something to do with it, Sherri abandoned her family, etc.—as the usual spots where true crime conspiracies are hatched, such as Reddit, lit up with theories. Within days, authorities received more than 200 tips.
自然地,互联网坚称它知道真正发生的事情——基思完全与此有关,雪莉抛弃了她的家人,等等——因为孵化真正犯罪阴谋的通常地点,如 Reddit,充满了理论。几天之内,当局收到了 200 多条举报。
"Unfortunately, there are random, ignorant people on the internet that are casting aspersions on both Sherri and Keith," self-identified family member Rod Rodriguez III wrote Nov. 8 on the Facebook page Redding Crime 2.0, denying rumors that Keith had "'lawyered up'" and noting that Sherri's husband had cooperated fully with the investigation.
11 月 8 日,自称是家庭成员的 罗德里格斯三世 在 Facebook 页面 Redding Crime 2.0 上写道:“不幸的是,互联网上随机出现了一些无知的人,他们在对雪莉和基思进行中伤,”律师'”,并指出雪莉的丈夫全力配合调查。
"In regard to the hurtful rumors regarding Keith, everyone that actually knows him knows of his and Sherri's wonderful loving relationship and devotion to their family and knows he had nothing to do with Sherri's disappearance," Rodriguez continued, per the LA Times. "That is why everyone of them was out searching last weekend, one notable family rented search helicopters and another couple cut their vacation short and flew home across the Atlantic while another flew down from Idaho."

调查 人员 正在调查基思是否与雪莉的失踪有关,一个浪漫的伴侣通常在要看的人名单上排在第一位,但他通过了测谎仪测试,他的不在场证明令他们满意。
"The results of the polygraph examination indicate he has no involvement with the disappearance of his wife," Shasta County Sheriff's Office spokesman Lt. Anthony Bertain said in a Nov. 11 statement. "Sheriff's Office detectives have confirmed his whereabouts on the day in question, and there is no physical evidence at this time suggesting he had any involvement."
“测谎仪检查的结果表明他与妻子的失踪无关,”沙斯塔县治安官办公室发言人 Lt. Anthony Bertain 在 11 月 11 日的一份声明中说。“治安官办公室的侦探已经确认了他当天的下落,目前没有任何物证表明他有任何牵连。”
Bertain added, "Detectives are still trying to determine if her disappearance is voluntary or involuntary."
Bertain 补充说,“侦探们仍在努力确定她的失踪是自愿还是非自愿。”
As the days went by, the Facebook page Help Find Sherri Papini became the go-to spot for updates, while a "Bring Sherri Home Safe" GoFundMe, set up to aid search-and-rescue efforts, attracted more than $49,000 in donations.
随着时间的推移,帮助寻找雪莉·帕皮尼的 Facebook 页面成为了获取最新消息的首选地点,而为帮助搜救工作而设立的“将雪莉安全带回家”的GoFundMe吸引了超过 49,000 美元的捐款。
"Thank you all so much for your donations," Keith wrote on the fundraising page Nov. 7. "Your generosity, concern and prayers are very much appreciated by the Papini family."
“非常感谢你们的捐款,”基思在 11 月 7日的筹款页面上写道 。“帕皮尼家族非常感谢你们的慷慨、关心和祈祷。”

Sherri Papini 失踪了多久?
At around 4:30 a.m. on the morning of Nov. 24, 2016, 22 days after she went missing, a number of motorists called 911—including a truck driver who stopped and waited for California Highway Patrol to arrive—to report a woman standing or running down the middle of Interstate 5 in Yolo County. It turned out to be Sherri, found 146 miles away from her home.
2016 年 11 月 24 日早上 4 点 30 分左右,也就是她失踪 22 天后,许多驾车者拨打了 911——包括一名停下来等待加州公路巡警到达的卡车司机——报告一名妇女站在或者沿着优洛县 5 号州际公路的中部行驶。原来是雪莉,在离她家 146 英里的地方被发现。
Her hair was haphazardly cut, she was covered in bruises and other marks, and she had a chain around her waist that was tethered to one of her wrists.
Sherri was taken to Woodland Hospital in Yolo County, where she was reunited with Keith. "We are overwhelmed with joy of how supportive everyone has been to help bring us together as a family again," they said in a statement provided to the media by Sherri's sister Sheila, per CNN. "Everyone's tireless efforts has made our family whole again this Thanksgiving. Thank you for allowing our family time to heal."
雪莉被送往优洛县的伍德兰医院,在那里她与基思重逢。据美国有线电视新闻网报道,他们在雪莉的姐姐希拉向媒体提供的一份声明中说:“我们为每个人的支持而欣喜若狂,帮助我们再次成为一家人。 ” “每个人的不懈努力让我们的家庭在这个感恩节再次团聚。感谢你们让我们的家人有时间治愈。”
Talking to reporters later that day, Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko said, "We are ecstatic to report that Sherri Papini has been located and has been reunited with her family on this day of Thanksgiving."
But, "the investigation is far from over," he continued. "In fact, it has only begun a new chapter."
There was "sensitive information" the sheriff wouldn't disclose yet, but he shared that Sherri "was released by her captor on a rural road near I-5...She was bound with restraints but was able to summon help from a passing motorist." Authorities were searching for two Hispanic women driving a dark SUV who were said to be armed, he noted, adding, "Detectives will not rest until her captor or captors are identified and brought to justice."
治安官还没有透露一些“敏感信息”,但他分享说雪莉“在 I-5 附近的一条乡村公路上被绑架者释放了……她被束缚着,但能够从路过的人那里求助司机。” 他指出,当局正在寻找两名驾驶黑色 SUV 的西班牙裔妇女,据称她们携带武器,并补充说,“在查明绑架她的人并将其绳之以法之前,侦探不会休息。”
The public still clamoring for answers a few days later, Bosenko said Nov. 27, "We currently have no reason to disbelieve Sherri Papini's story. She was assaulted and had injuries which she was treated for." At least 20 warrants had been issued for cell tower data and surveillance footage from locations in Redding and Yolo County, he shared, and the search was still on for the two armed women.
几天后,公众仍在大声要求答案,Bosenko 于 11 月 27 日说,“我们目前没有理由不相信 Sherri Papini 的故事。她遭到殴打并受伤,正在接受治疗。” 他分享说,至少已发出 20 份搜查令,要求获取雷丁县和约洛县的手机信号塔数据和监控录像,并且仍在继续寻找这两名武装妇女。
But patience is a virtue the Internet does not possess.

在2016 年 11 月 29 日向 早安美国发表的声明中,基思感谢世界各地的“不可思议的人”,他们在“痛苦的旅程”中对他的家人表示支持,并大声喊出一些人和组织的名称。

When he first saw Sherri in her hospital bed, Keith described, her face was "covered in bruises ranging from yellow to black because of repeated beatings, the bridge of her nose broken. Her now emaciated body of 87 pounds was covered in multicolored bruises, severe burns, red rashes and chain markings. Her signature long blond hair had been chopped off. She has been branded, and I could feel the rise of her scabs under my fingers. She was thrown from a vehicle with a chain around her waist, attached to her wrists and a bag over her head. The same bag she used to flag someone down once she was able to free one of her hands."
基思描述说,当他第一次看到躺在病床上的雪莉时,她的脸上“因反复殴打而布满了从黄色到黑色的瘀伤,她的鼻梁被打断了。她现在瘦弱的 87 磅的身体上布满了五颜六色的瘀伤,严重烧伤,红疹和锁链印记。她标志性的金色长发被剪掉了。她被烙上了烙印,我能感觉到她手指下的结痂。她被从车上扔了下来,腰上挂着一条链子,她的手腕上系着一个袋子,头上套着一个袋子。一旦她能腾出一只手,她就用这个袋子来招呼别人。”
Sherri "suffered tremendously, and all the visions swirling in your heads of her appearance, I assure you, are not as graphic and gruesome as the reality." He asked for privacy, noting they had "a long road of healing" ahead of them.
雪莉“遭受了巨大的痛苦,我向你保证,所有关于她外表的幻象都在你的脑海中盘旋,并不像现实那样生动和可怕。” 他要求隐私,并指出他们前面有“漫长的康复之路”。
What did Sherri Papini tell police about being kidnapped?
关于被绑架,Sherri Papini 对警方说了什么?
All according to a 55-page criminal complaint affidavit filed March 3 and obtained by E! News, what Sherri told investigators, in the days after her return and over the ensuing months and years, was this:
所有这些都是根据 3 月 3 日提交并由 E! 获得的一份 55 页的刑事诉讼宣誓书。新闻,在她返回后的几天以及随后的几个月和几年里,雪莉告诉调查人员,是这样的:

She was out for a run on Nov. 2, 2016, when two Hispanic women driving a dark SUV forced her into their car at gunpoint. She didn't remember getting into the car, but she woke up lying down in the back, her hips sore from being in one position for so long and a pillow case that smelled of laundry detergent over her head.
2016 年 11 月 2 日,她外出跑步,两名西班牙裔妇女驾驶一辆深色 SUV 持枪逼迫她上车。她不记得自己上过车,但醒来时她躺在后排,臀部因为长时间保持一个姿势而酸痛,头顶上放着一个散发着洗衣粉味道的枕套。
Sherri said that for three weeks she was chained to a metal pole in a bedroom closet, with enough give to reach the bed, and they gave her a bucket of kitty litter to use as a toilet. She could hear "really annoying Mexican music" playing around her and, though her captors mainly spoke Spanish, she said she overheard snippets of conversation about branding her for a potential "buyer," leading investigators to first suspect her abduction could've been connected to human trafficking (as noted in a footnote in the March 3 filing).
雪莉说,她被锁在卧室壁橱里的一根金属杆上长达三个星期,手上的东西足够够到床,他们还给了她一桶猫砂当厕所用。她可以听到周围播放着“非常烦人的墨西哥音乐”,虽然绑架她的人主要说西班牙语,但她说她无意中听到了一些关于给她贴上潜在“买家”烙印的谈话片段,这让调查人员首先怀疑她的绑架可能与此有关贩卖人口(如 3 月 3 日提交的文件中的脚注所述)。
She said she tried to escape on several occasions, and that she was branded on her shoulder after the first attempt.

On June 22, 2017, she gave descriptions of the women to FBI sketch artists for "wanted" posters that were widely circulated.
2017 年 6 月 22 日,她向 FBI 素描艺术家描述了这些女性的“通缉”海报,这些海报广为流传。
Talking to the FBI on Aug. 13, 2020, she recalled that "the older kidnapper was really abusive and really mean and did all of the really terrible things," but the younger, nicer woman ultimately let her go, dropping her off on the side of I-5 near Woodland, Calif.
在 2020 年 8 月 13 日与联邦调查局交谈时,她回忆说,“年长的绑架者真的很粗鲁,真的很刻薄,做了所有非常可怕的事情,”但更年轻、更好的女人最终放开了她,把她扔在了加利福尼亚州伍德兰附近 I-5 的一侧。
She told a therapist, who diagnosed her with acute post-traumatic stress disorder, that she was "physically and emotionally tortured, beaten, burned, branded, and drugged."

雪莉·帕皮尼 (Sherri Papini) 的故事是如何分崩离析的?
When the three-year anniversary of Sherri's disappearance came around in 2019, the Shasta County Sheriff's Office said that the case remained under investigation and, according to KRCR TV, the FBI was offering a $10,000 reward for information that could identify the two women Sherri described as her abductors.
2019 年雪莉失踪三周年纪念日到来时,沙斯塔县治安官办公室表示此案仍在调查中,据 KRCR 电视台报道,联邦调查局悬赏 10,000 美元,以获取能够识别雪莉描述的两名女性身份的信息作为她的绑架者。
But by the time of her August 2020 interview with the FBI, authorities had determined that Sherri's kidnapping story was a fabrication. She had disappeared for 22 days, but that's where her version of events and reality diverged.
但到她 2020 年 8 月接受 FBI 采访时,当局已确定雪莉的绑架故事是捏造的。她 已经失踪了 22 天,但这正是她对事件的看法与现实发生分歧的地方。
And when investigators confronted her with what they'd been told just several days prior—that her ex-boyfriend had picked her up from Redding and driven her to Costa Mesa, Calif., where she voluntarily stayed with him until she wanted to leave—she denied it.
Meanwhile, in addition to appearing for requested meetings to look at photo arrays of possible suspects, Keith and Sherri contacted the FBI on multiple occasions between her return and May 7, 2018, to share new details. The last update came from Keith, who told investigators that his wife had recalled during a therapy session that one of her captors tried to pour a sticky substance down her throat and she used her own underwear to wipe her mouth, after which she fell asleep.
与此同时,除了出席要求的会议以查看可能嫌疑人的照片阵列外,Keith 和 Sherri 在她返回和 2018 年 5 月 7 日之间多次联系 FBI,以分享新的细节。最后更新来自基思,他告诉调查人员,他的妻子在治疗期间回忆说,她的一名绑架者试图将一种粘性物质倒进她的喉咙,她用自己的内衣擦嘴,然后她就睡着了。
According to the March 3 filing, investigators found the DNA of an unknown female from an evidence swab of Sherri's body and the DNA of an unknown male from tests of her clothes. The profiles were uploaded to the national Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS. In September 2019, Shasta County Sheriff's detectives requested a familial DNA search from the California Department of Justice.
根据 3 月 3 日提交的文件,调查人员从雪莉身体的证据拭子中发现了一名未知女性的 DNA,并从她的衣服测试中发现了一名未知男性的 DNA。这些配置文件已上传到国家联合 DNA 索引系统或 CODIS。2019 年 9 月,沙斯塔县治安官的侦探要求加州司法部进行家族 DNA 搜索。
In March 2020, investigators got a familial hit on the unknown male DNA, identifying a potential relative of the man they were looking for. The person who pinged in the database had two sons, one of whom was the ex-boyfriend in question.
2020 年 3 月,调查人员对未知的男性 DNA 进行了家族打击,确定了他们正在寻找的男子的潜在亲属。在数据库中进行 ping 操作的人有两个儿子,其中一个就是问题中的前男友。
That June, investigators collected items from the ex's trash outside his Costa Mesa home and they found that DNA from the mouth of an Honest Honey Green Tea bottle was a match to the DNA lifted from Sherri's clothes.
那年 6 月,调查人员从他位于科斯塔梅萨的家外的前任垃圾中收集了物品,他们发现诚实蜂蜜绿茶瓶口的 DNA 与从雪莉的衣服中提取的 DNA 相匹配。
The man (referred to throughout the court filings as Ex-Boyfriend) co-operated with the investigation and has remained unidentified. He admitted to the FBI during an Aug. 10, 2020 interview that he helped Sherri "run away," according to the March 3 filing. They were once engaged, the ex explained, and they had a "long history together as friends," but when she reached out to him, he was quoted, it was "'out of the blue.'"
这名男子(在整个法庭文件中被称为前男友)配合调查,但身份不明。根据 3 月 3 日提交的文件,他在 2020 年 8 月 10 日的一次采访中向联邦调查局承认,他帮助雪莉“逃跑”。他们曾经订婚,前任解释说,他们“作为朋友在一起的历史悠久”,但当她向他伸出援手时,他被引述说,这是“'出乎意料的'”。
He said Sherri told him Keith had physically and sexually assaulted her and police had refused to help. (Law enforcement had no records of abuse claims against Keith.)

当局查看电话记录发现,她早在 2015 年 12 月就与前任保持联系,两人都使用预付费手机。
Sherri stayed at his apartment and never left for the entirety of the three weeks she was gone, Ex-Boyfriend told investigators. She didn't eat much and at one point she had him brand her shoulder with a wood-burning tool that she had instructed him to go out and buy from Hobby Lobby. And, he added, though he didn't have a TV, she kept up with the news on her phone and, knowing that people were looking for her, didn't want to be seen.
She cut her own hair, the ex continued, and self-inflicted most of her own bruises and burns. He never laid hands on her, he added, but when asked for help, such as to "'bank a puck'" off her leg as she requested, he complied.
The ex said he drove Sherri back up to Northern California after she told him she missed her kids, and on the way back she tossed her prepaid phone out the car window. He also told investigators that he didn't call authorities himself once he saw the news of the alleged kidnapping, considering that akin to turning himself in "for nothing," but he told himself that he "would not fight it" if they eventually got in touch.

Sherri Papini 什么时候被捕的?
Sherri was arrested March 3 and charged with lying to federal investigators and 34 counts of mail fraud.
雪莉于 3 月 3 日被捕 ,并被控向联邦调查人员撒谎和 34 项邮件欺诈罪。
"When a young mother went missing in broad daylight, a community was filled with fear and concern," U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert said in a statement announcing the charges. "Shasta County Sheriff's Office immediately began investigating, calling on the assistance of the FBI. Countless hours were spent following leads, all in an effort to bring this woman back to her family."
“当一位年轻的母亲在光天化日之下失踪时,整个社区都充满了恐惧和担忧,”美国检察官菲利普·A·塔尔伯特 ( Phillip A. Talbert ) 在宣布指控的声明中说。“沙斯塔县治安官办公室立即开始调查,并寻求联邦调查局的协助。他们花了无数个小时追踪线索,努力将这名妇女带回她的家人身边。”
In the end, the prosecutor said, the investigation "revealed that there was no kidnapping and that time and resources that could have been used to investigate actual crime, protect the community, and provide resources to victims were wasted based on the defendant's conduct."
The fraud charges stemmed from Sherri seeking treatment on the state's dime, the funds provided by the California Victim Compensation Board. According to a court filing detailing the charges, her application to CalVCB stated the money was needed for "medical and/or dental expenses," "moving or relocation expenses," "mental health treatment" and "home security improvements." A total of $30,614.15 was used to pay for ambulance transportation upon her return, therapy and new window blinds for her home.
欺诈指控源于雪莉以加州受害者赔偿委员会提供的资金寻求该州的治疗。根据一份详细说明指控的法庭文件,她向 CalVCB 提出的申请表明,这笔钱需要用于“医疗和/或牙科费用”、“搬家或搬迁费用”、“心理健康治疗”和“家庭安全改善”。总共 30,614.15 美元用于支付她返回时的救护车交通费、治疗费和家里的新百叶窗费。
From June 5, 2017, until March 8, 2021, she paid for what prosecutors characterized in court documents as "fraudulent treatment for anxiety and PTSD from her 'kidnapping.'"

在 2021 年 3 月 4 日发布的一份声明中,她的家人表示,他们对雪莉在孩子们面前受到当局的对待感到“震惊”。
"If requested, Sherri would have fully complied and come to the police station, as she has done multiple times before, where this could have been handled in a more appropriate way," the statement said, per the LA Times. "Sherri and Keith have cooperated with law enforcement's requests despite repeated attempts to unnecessarily pit them against each other, empty threats to publicly embarrass them and other conduct that was less than professional. We are confused by several aspects of the charges and hope to get clarification in the coming days."
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,声明说:“如果有要求,雪莉 会完全遵守并前往警察局,就像她之前多次这样做的那样,在那里可以以更合适的方式处理这件事。 ” “Sherri 和 Keith 一直配合执法部门的要求,尽管他们一再试图让他们毫无必要地相互对立,空洞地威胁要公开让他们难堪以及其他不专业的行为。我们对指控的几个方面感到困惑,希望得到澄清在未来的日子里。”
Initially deemed a flight risk, Sherri spent five nights in Sacramento County Jail, but a judge allowed her to be released on a $120,000 bond March 8.
最初被认为有逃跑风险,雪莉在萨克拉门托县监狱度过了五个晚上,但法官允许她 在 3 月 8 日以 120,000 美元的保释金获释。

Sherri Papini 什么时候承认她撒谎了?
Facing a possible 25-year prison sentence if convicted on all charges, Sherri agreed to plead guilty to one count of making false statements to a federal officer and one count of mail fraud, appearing in court April 18 to officially enter her plea.
如果所有罪名成立,雪莉可能面临 25 年监禁,她同意承认一项向联邦官员作出虚假陈述的罪名和一项邮件欺诈罪,并于 4 月 18 日出庭正式认罪。
"I am deeply ashamed of myself for my behavior and so sorry for the pain I've caused all my family, my friends, all the good people who needlessly suffered because of my story and those who worked so hard to try to help me," she said in a statement released by her attorney William Portanova's office. "I am deeply ashamed of myself for my behavior and so sorry for the pain I've caused all my family, my friends, all the good people who needlessly suffered because of my story and those who worked so hard to try to help me. I will work the rest of my life to make amends for what I have done."
“我为自己的行为深感羞愧,为我给所有家人、朋友、所有因为我的故事而遭受不必要痛苦的好人以及那些努力帮助我的人带来的痛苦感到抱歉, “她 在 她的律师 William Portanova办公室发布的一份声明中说。“我为自己的行为深感羞愧,为我给所有家人、朋友、所有因为我的故事而遭受不必要痛苦的好人以及那些努力帮助我的人带来的痛苦感到抱歉。我将用我的余生来弥补我所做的一切。”
The plea agreement mandated that Sherri pay more than $300,000 in restitution to various government entities, and prosecutors said they would recommend she be sentenced to the "low end of the applicable guideline range as determined by the Court."
认罪协议要求雪莉向各个政府实体支付超过 300,000 美元的赔偿金,检察官表示他们将建议她被判处“法院确定的适用指导范围的低端”。
E! News confirmed April 22 that Keith filed for divorce after 12 years of marriage and was asking for temporary custody of Tyler, 9, and Violet, 7.
电子!新闻于 4 月 22 日证实,基思 在结婚 12 年后提出离婚,并要求获得 9 岁的泰勒和 7 岁的维奥莱特的临时监护权。
"Now that I have learned the truth as reflected in the plea arrangement" Sherri made, Keith stated in a declaration filed in Shasta County Superior Court and obtained by the Sacramento Bee, "I must act decisively to protect my children from the trauma caused by their mother and bring stability and calm to their lives."
“现在我已经了解了认罪安排中反映的真相”雪莉说,基思在沙斯塔县高等法院提交的一份声明中说, 并由 萨克拉门托蜜蜂获得,“我必须果断采取行动,保护我的孩子免受伤害造成的创伤他们的母亲,为他们的生活带来稳定和平静。”
He alleged that Sherri hadn't seen the kids since April 4 and had missed one scheduled visit, and he was asking for future visitation to be "determined by what I believe is in their best interest."
他声称雪莉自 4 月 4 日以来就没有见过孩子们,并且错过了一次预定的探视,他要求未来的探视“根据我认为最符合他们利益的方式来决定”。
Describing how difficult Sherri's disappearance was on its own, compounded by the "turmoil" of the last five-and-a-half years, he added, "We, both children and I, need time to recover and stabilize."
Keith concluded, "I wish to make it clear that my goal is to provide a loving, safe, stable environment for Tyler and Violet and I believe the requested orders are consistent with that goal and the best interests of the children." He didn't want to say anything about Sherri's case that "would inflame the situation or attract media attention."
基思总结道:“我想明确表示,我的目标是为泰勒和维奥莱特提供一个充满爱、安全、稳定的环境,我相信所要求的命令符合该目标和孩子们的最大利益。” 他不想就雪莉的案子发表任何“会激化局势或引起媒体关注”的言论。
Ultimately, he stated, "I am asking that the court help me protect my children from the negative impact of their mother's notoriety."
What happened to Sherri Papini?
On Sept. 19, Sherri was sentenced to 18 months in prison, to be followed by 36 months of supervised release.
9 月 19 日,Sherri 被判处 18 个月监禁,随后 36 个月监外看管。
Online records show that the 40-year-old is serving her term at the medium-security Federal Correctional Institution Victorville.
在线记录显示,这位 40 岁的女子正在中等安全的联邦惩教所维克多维尔服刑。
Surprising only in that it took this long, Lifetime is on the case with Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini starring Jaime King as the unfortunate teller of tales.
令人惊讶的是,它花了这么长时间,Lifetime 正在处理 恶作剧:雪莉·帕皮尼的绑架案, 由海梅·金主演,讲述不幸的故事。
King told E! News' Francesca Amiker that she had read about the case and immediately sensed there were some untapped layers in this story.
国王告诉E!News 的弗朗西斯卡·阿米克 ( Francesca Amiker)说,她已经阅读了有关此案的信息,并立即感觉到这个故事中还有一些未开发的层次。
"Frankly, it made me mad," the Hart of Dixie star said. "You could see this woman that's seemingly beautiful and perfect, and the way that they told her story was basically that she's this terrible human being that did this horrific thing to her family and the community. And she did make some horrific choices, absolutely."
“坦率地说,这让我很生气,”这位来自南方的哈特 明星说。“你可以看到这个看似美丽完美的女人,他们讲述她故事的方式基本上是,她是一个可怕的人,对她的家人和社区做了这种可怕的事情。她确实做出了一些可怕的选择,绝对。 “

But, King continued, no one seemed interested in getting to the root of Sherri's behavior, which frustrated her to no end.
And then, less than 24 hours after she started researching the case on her own, King was offered the chance to play Sherri. After which, she had 24 hours to say yes or no.
然后,在她开始自己研究此案后不到 24 小时,金获得了扮演雪莉的机会。之后,她有 24 小时的时间来决定是或否。
Ultimately she said yes and appreciated the opportunity to humanize someone who'd been relentlessly villainized.
"Everybody has a reason for doing something," King said. "Nobody is a perfect individual, and I just really needed to know more of the whys. I don't like people being exploited."