万用英语口语句典01.04.03 谈论爱情
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    01.04.03 谈论爱情
    1. Is there true love in this world?
    2. What do people mean when they say they love someone?
    3. Love makes me happy and depressed.
    4. Do you believe in love?
    5. Love is blind.
    6. Have you ever fallen in love with somebody?
    7. I like those guys who are bold but cautious.
    8. How long have you been dating Jack?
    9. All the girls hit on him in class.
    10. Are you going steady?
    11. Don't worry about finding your soul mate.
    12. Love me, love my dog.
    13. Like attracts like.

      上一篇:万用英语口语句典01.04.02 谈论爱好 下一篇:万用英语口语句典01.04.04 谈论婚姻

