万用英语口语句典02.02.09 担心与忧虑
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    02.02.09 担心与忧虑

    1, I'm really in a flap about the interview.
    2, I'm on tenterhooks.
    3, worrying kept me awake.
    4, Are you Ok?
    5, I'm a bundle of nerves.
    6, I'm worried sick about my health.
    7, I was worried about you.
    8, I find his illness very worrying.
    9, What's the matter?
    10, What's on your mind?
    11, I'm anxious about what you did.
    12, I'm seriously troubled.
    13, Why are you look so exhausted today?
    14, What happened?
    15, I really don't know what to do.
    16, I'm really in a flap.
    17, I can't take it anymore.
    18, I really don't know what I should do.

      上一篇:万用英语口语句典02.02.08 失望与绝望 下一篇:万用英语口语句典02.02.10 恭维与祝贺

