Lesson Introduction
Relationships are not easy to deal with, especially when the words "I love you" are said! If you don't want things to get messy, listen to our podcast lesson today where we will teach you not only how to handle this situation, but also different English verbs and phrases that are used between couples. Marco and Erica will also share with you some other "pet names" that couples call each other.
A: Can we talk?
B: Sure, honey, we’re talking now, aren’t we?
A: You know what I mean.
B: Yeah. I know.
A: I want to know where this relationship is going.
I’m in love with you and I need to know...
B: You know, I think you’re awesome.
A: I’m awesome. Well, I guess that’s my answer, isn’t it.
B: Honey...
A: Look, if you don’t love me, it’s not a thing, al-
right, we’ve had our laughs, but I don’t appreci-
ate... maybe it’s just time we...
B: Baby, I love you so much.
A: You do?
B: I love you. And I think you’re awesome.
A: Oh, I love you too!
B: Come on. Put the gun down.
A: Oh baby, I’m so sorry.
maybe it is time we perhaps it is time for us to do something
don’t appreciate don’t like
where this (relationship) is going what stage this relationship is in
we have had our (laughs) we have experienced (our happy days)
love have strong affection to someone
awesome amazing, great
in love with feel strong romantic affection for someone
can we talk phrase used if one must talk about serious things
dump (someone) end a relationship with someone
break (someone’s) heart hurt someone’s feelings very badly; hurt someone emotionally
a heart to heart a honest, emotional talk
ex former boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife
partner a person who you are in a long-term relationship with