Lesson Introduction
Heya fellas! We are taking a trip back in time and listening to a conversation in English in 1950! We will learn and understand some English words and phrases from the '50s that are still used today! Not only that, but we will learn about American culture from that decade! Sit back, put on some Elvis, and enjoy!
A: Heya, Tracy. How are you doin’?
B: I’m swell, Sandy!
A: Hey listen, you wanna go to the sock hop with me this Friday? It’ll be a blast!
B: First of all it’s the Sadie Hawkins dance. The girls gotta ask the guys. Also...
A: Oh, right. So when are you gonna ask me? I’ve had my eye on you for a while.
C: Hey, buddy. Ease off my girl, man. Or do you want a knuckle-sandwich?
B: Cool it, guys.
A: Your girl? Says who?
C: Says me, pipsqueak!
heya hi, you (informal)
swell really good (oldfashioned)
sock hop dances held usually in high school gym or cafeteria
a blast a very fun time
Sadie Hawkins dance an informal dance usually in high school with girls invite boys
have one’s eye on (someone) focus your attention on something you want
ease off stop putting pressure on someone
knucklesandwich a punch
cool it relax, take it easy
pipsqueak someone who is not important
go ape get really angry and explode
be on cloud nine be really happy
cool cat a very cool person
flick movie, film
party pooper a person who is not fun
no sweat it’s no problem