A : Hello sir, how may I help you?
B : I would like to buy some flowers, please. Something really nice.
A : I see, may I ask what the occasion is?
B : It’s not really an occasion, it’s more like I’m sorry.
A: Very well.This arrangement here is very popular among regretful husbands and boyfriends. It has a dozen long stem red roses with a couple of sunflowers and a single orchid that stands out. It includes a small teddy bear to achieve the effect of immediate forgiveness.
B : I think I’m gonna need more than just a dozen red roses and a bear. What else do you recommend?
A : Mmm, well this is our “ I’m sorry I cheated on you” package. Two dozen red roses lined with tulips, carnations and lilies. The fragrance and beauty of this flower arrangement is sure to make her forgive you.
B : I don’t think that’s gonna cut it. I need something bigger and better!
A : I’m sorry sir but, what exactly did you do?
B : Well, I may have accidentally insinuated that she is getting chubbier .
A: Get out of my store,you jerk!
occasion n.时刻,场合
A birthday is no occasion for tears.
dozen n. 一打,12个
I want a dozen of pencils, please!
recommend vt. 推荐;推举
Can you recommend a good dictionary?
fragrance n.芳香,香味
The rose sends out strong fragrance.
chubby adj. 圆胖的, 丰满的
He is a chubby child.
vase n.花瓶
bouquet n.花束
greenery n. (供装饰用的)绿叶,绿树
centerpiece n. 中心装饰品, (餐桌)中央的摆饰
to suck up 奉承,拍马屁
A: 先生,你好,需要些什么?
B: 我想买些花,很漂亮的那种。
A: 我知道了,我能问下是什么场合用吗?
B :并不是什么正式场合,更像是来表达我的歉意的。
A: 好的,这种搭配很受悔恨的丈夫和男朋友的欢迎。有12支长茎红玫瑰和2朵向日葵,还有一只显眼的兰花和一个小玩具熊,它能起到表达悔意的效果。
B :我想我需要更多的红玫瑰和小熊。你能推荐些别的吗?
A :这是“很抱歉我骗了你”套装,24朵红玫瑰衬着郁金香,康乃馨和百合花。这种花的搭配的芳香和美丽肯定会让她原谅你。
B :我认为那还不行,我需要些更大更好的花。
A: 很抱歉,先生,你到底需要什么样的?
B: 我可能偶然暗示过她正在变胖。
A :从店里滚出去,你个骗子。