A: Hi everyone, Can everyone hear me? Can you guys at the back hear everything?
A: Okay great. Well I think all of you know why we are here this afternoon. As most of you are aware 2010 marks an important moment for Alpha computers.
A: We have bounced back from the recession and now we are set to launch our new line of laptop and desktop computers.
A: I’m really pleased to welcome Michael Ford, the Global Marketing Manager for Alpha computers,who has flown in from California to give all of you an overview of the marketing campaign and to answer any questions you may have. So please give a warm welcome to Mr. Ford .
B: Thank you, Jonathan. It really is a pleasure to be here today. It has been three years since I visited Beijing,and it’s clear to me that operations here are obviously going from strength to strength.
B:The Alpha brand continues to grow in leaps and bounds in China, and that is certainly down to the hard work of all of you here. So congratulations to all of you.
B: I’d like to start by outlining the key points of my presentation this afternoon and giving you an idea of the topics that will be discussed. The presentation today is divided into five main parts.
B: First of all, I’d like to briefly touch on the background of the new x420 line; how the whole concept has come about and how the new product fits into our existing brand line.
B: Secondly I’d like to present data on projected sales for the x420. We will then go on to discuss our key rivals in this sector. Then I would like to go on to outline the campaign concept for the x420.
B: Finally I’m happy to open up the discussion for any questions or points you might have for me.
launch v.开始
overview n.综述,概要
strength to strength 越来越成功
first of all 首先
go on 继续
finally adv.最后
A: 大家好,每个人都能听见我说话吗?后边的人能听见我说话吗?
A: 好的。我想大家都知道我们今天下午在这里的原因。因为大多数人都知道2010年对Alpha电脑来说是重要的时刻。
A: 我们从衰退中恢复,现在我们将要开始笔记本和桌面电脑的新生产线。
A: 我热烈欢迎Alpha电脑全球市场部的Michael Ford,他刚刚从加利福尼亚赶来,会向你们介绍市场团队的总体状况,并回答你们提出的问题。现在热烈欢迎 福特先生。
B: 谢谢你,Jonathan。今天能来到这里我很高兴,从我上次参观北京,到现在已经3年了,我清晰地意识到这儿的操作越来越成功了。
B: Alpha品牌在中国飞速增长,那归功于这儿的所有人的努力。祝贺你们。
B: 首先,我想解介绍绍下新的x420生产线的背景,整个概念是如何形成的,以及新产品如何同已有的生产线配套。
A: Okay great. Well I think all of you know why we are here this afternoon. As most of you are aware 2010 marks an important moment for Alpha computers.
A: We have bounced back from the recession and now we are set to launch our new line of laptop and desktop computers.
A: I’m really pleased to welcome Michael Ford, the Global Marketing Manager for Alpha computers,who has flown in from California to give all of you an overview of the marketing campaign and to answer any questions you may have. So please give a warm welcome to Mr. Ford .
B: Thank you, Jonathan. It really is a pleasure to be here today. It has been three years since I visited Beijing,and it’s clear to me that operations here are obviously going from strength to strength.
B:The Alpha brand continues to grow in leaps and bounds in China, and that is certainly down to the hard work of all of you here. So congratulations to all of you.
B: I’d like to start by outlining the key points of my presentation this afternoon and giving you an idea of the topics that will be discussed. The presentation today is divided into five main parts.
B: First of all, I’d like to briefly touch on the background of the new x420 line; how the whole concept has come about and how the new product fits into our existing brand line.
B: Secondly I’d like to present data on projected sales for the x420. We will then go on to discuss our key rivals in this sector. Then I would like to go on to outline the campaign concept for the x420.
B: Finally I’m happy to open up the discussion for any questions or points you might have for me.
launch v.开始
overview n.综述,概要
strength to strength 越来越成功
first of all 首先
go on 继续
finally adv.最后
A: 大家好,每个人都能听见我说话吗?后边的人能听见我说话吗?
A: 好的。我想大家都知道我们今天下午在这里的原因。因为大多数人都知道2010年对Alpha电脑来说是重要的时刻。
A: 我们从衰退中恢复,现在我们将要开始笔记本和桌面电脑的新生产线。
A: 我热烈欢迎Alpha电脑全球市场部的Michael Ford,他刚刚从加利福尼亚赶来,会向你们介绍市场团队的总体状况,并回答你们提出的问题。现在热烈欢迎 福特先生。
B: 谢谢你,Jonathan。今天能来到这里我很高兴,从我上次参观北京,到现在已经3年了,我清晰地意识到这儿的操作越来越成功了。
B: Alpha品牌在中国飞速增长,那归功于这儿的所有人的努力。祝贺你们。
B: 首先,我想解介绍绍下新的x420生产线的背景,整个概念是如何形成的,以及新产品如何同已有的生产线配套。