What Mood Are You In? 你现在感觉如何? A : Are you ok? You seem a bit anxious.
B : Yeah, I'm OK, I have been having a lot of mood swings lately. I think it has to do with the pills my doctor prescribed that are causing chaos on my hormones.
A : So you mean you feel ecstatic one minute and then blue the next?
B : Yeah, it's weird. For example just this morning I was feeling detached and lonely, even though there was really no reason to feel that way.
A : Well, maybe your mood will swing positively and you will feel confident, brave and hopeful!
B : I hope you are right.
1. mood swing 情绪波动
As is often the case, though, the mood swing has gone too far. 不过,与过去常有的情况一样,人们的情绪波动有些过头了。
Maybe, his apathy signals he is at the negative extremity of a mood swing. 或许万念俱灰只是他情绪波动的一个极端吧。
2. has something to do with 和……有关
Someone I care about is in trouble, And this club has something to do with it. Now knowing my father was a member, It only stands to reason that his closest friends were, too. 有个我关心的人遇到麻烦,和这俱乐部有关。我父亲曾经是会员,显然他最好的朋友也是会员。
We really don't know, but it has something to do with "being." 我们并不知道,但它是与某种存在有关系的。
B : Yeah, I'm OK, I have been having a lot of mood swings lately. I think it has to do with the pills my doctor prescribed that are causing chaos on my hormones.
A : So you mean you feel ecstatic one minute and then blue the next?
B : Yeah, it's weird. For example just this morning I was feeling detached and lonely, even though there was really no reason to feel that way.
A : Well, maybe your mood will swing positively and you will feel confident, brave and hopeful!
B : I hope you are right.
1. mood swing 情绪波动
As is often the case, though, the mood swing has gone too far. 不过,与过去常有的情况一样,人们的情绪波动有些过头了。
Maybe, his apathy signals he is at the negative extremity of a mood swing. 或许万念俱灰只是他情绪波动的一个极端吧。
2. has something to do with 和……有关
Someone I care about is in trouble, And this club has something to do with it. Now knowing my father was a member, It only stands to reason that his closest friends were, too. 有个我关心的人遇到麻烦,和这俱乐部有关。我父亲曾经是会员,显然他最好的朋友也是会员。
We really don't know, but it has something to do with "being." 我们并不知道,但它是与某种存在有关系的。