2022年6月英语四级真题听力第一套Passage 2原文
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    英语四级考试中,听力理解部分无疑是考生们需要重点关注的环节。小编为大家整理了“2022年6月英语四级真题听力第一套”Passage 2的内容,希望为大家备考带来帮助!


    Passage 2


    Today, many large corporations stress the importance of diversity on their websites, but current statistics show that the typical manager in America still tends to be white and male. Obviously, the desire to bring about diversity has not translated into corporate reality. Why is this?


    A team of researchers from the University of Basil published their new study about people's attitudes towards diversity at work. They found that people have a wide range of opinions concerning diversity. On the one hand, many see value in diversity, which can contribute a variety of perspectives, encourage new ideas, and generate innovative solutions. On the other hand, they assume that it might be difficult to work with someone who has completely different views, speaks a different language, or has a different style of work. The actual value they attribute to diversity depends on the decision-making perspective. Doubts about the practical ability of diversity have a greater weight if a person is directly affected. In other words, when a person's own work group is involved, they tend to prefer team members who are similar to themselves. But when people make decisions for others, they typically put together a more diverse team.


    These findings could help organizations become more diverse. Companies need to pay attention to who makes hiring and team decisions. These decisions should not only be made by those directly affected; people who are not directly involved in the group's daily work should also take part.


    Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.


    Question 19:What do we learn from the current statistics about diversity in large corporations?


    Question 20:What is the newly published study focus on?


    Question 21:What do the findings of the new study show?


    2022年6月英语四级真题听力第一套Passage 2的发布,为考生提供了宝贵的备考资料,助力他们提升听力成绩,顺利通过考试。

      上一篇:2022年6月英语四级真题听力第一套Passage 1原文 下一篇:2022年6月英语四级真题听力第一套Passage 3原文


