The venerable magazine has put together a roster of the world's wealthiest fictional characters, with imaginary magnates like Thurston Howell III, Scrooge McDuck, Richie Rich and "Twilight's" Carlisle Cullen boasting bogus bankrolls. Topping the list: Cullen, the 370-year-old vampire who has built a $34.1 billion fortune thanks to stock-picking by his adopted daughter Alice, who can see the future.
福布斯近日公布了15名最富有的虚拟人物形象,其中包括迪士尼的史高治·麦克老鸭(Scrooge McDuck),《小富豪》中的理查-里奇(Richie Rich),暮光之城的吸血鬼卡伦医生(Carlisle Cullen )等等。他们的平均资产高达73亿美元。位于首位的是《暮光之城》系列里370岁的吸血鬼卡伦,他积累了341亿美元,大多数来源于股票投资,因为他的女儿能看到未来。