The British Film Institute and the Mayor of London will link up to host a four-day celebration of Chinese culture and film in September, featuring China’s largest collaboration with the Mayor’s Thames Festival and a new industry event to encourage creative and business links between the British and Chinese film industries.
Screen China, the celebration of Chinese culture and film, will take place over four days and nights from Sept. 13 thru Sept. 16 as part of the Mayor’s Thames Festival – London’s only river-focused multi-arts festival and the largest of its kind in the world.
"We have an amazing list of 39 recent, popular films, eight to 20 of which we will be showing on outdoor screens around The Scoop at More London in the shadow of the world-famous Tower Bridge," organizer Huilin Proctor said in a statement.
The event will feature the first British Chinese Film and Television Summit, which is being supported by China Film Co-Production Corporation and run in partnership with the BFI.
A party of senior officials from the State Administration of Press Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) will attend, as will an industry delegation which will include more than 200 guests including directors, producers and film stars.
Screen China and the British Chinese Film & Television Summit are being organised by Allied China Europe Society (ACES) with its China partners the China Record Cultural Media Company and CTV Audio-Visual (Beijing) International Culture Exchange Center.
Meanwhile, the British Chinese Film & TV Summit on Sept. 15, will take place at the institute’s Southbank venue.
One of the first speakers confirmed is Lord Julian Fellowes, who wrote Gosford Park and created Downton Abbey.
The BFI has announced season highlights for the forthcoming 'A Century of Chinese Cinema'season which starts in June and runs till early October at BFI Southbank.
英国电影学院 已经宣布了“中国电影世纪”赛季精选影片,该赛季始于六月,并将持续到10月份。
"It’s the largest and most comprehensive exploration of Chinese cinema ever to be undertaken in the UK and will encompass classic martial arts movies, pioneering social dramas, lavish costume epics and cutting-edge modern masterpieces,"the BFI said in a statement.
英国电影学院发言人表示:“本次庆典是中国电影有史以来在英国开展的规模最大、 最全面的活动,其中将涵盖经典武侠电影,开拓性社会话剧和最前沿的现代经典之作,此外此次庆典还将成为奢华服饰的一场巅峰盛会。”