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    Old and Improved


    This year brought so many promising new shows: 2014 was the year of “True Detective,” “The Honorable Woman,” “Fargo,” “The Affair,” “Olive Kitteridge” and “Silicon Valley," among others. But there were also older shows that either stayed the course or somehow climbed their way back from a dip or even total eclipse, notably “The Comeback,” starring Lisa Kudrow, a HBO comedy that was canceled in 2005 after one season and then resurrected in November.

    2014年出现了这么多大有前途的新剧:《真探》(True Detective)、《荣耀之女》(The Honorable Woman)、《冰血暴》(Fargo)、《婚外情》(The Affair)、《奥丽芙·基特里奇》(Olive Kitteridge)和《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)等。有些老剧仍在坚持,或者莫名其妙地重振雄风,或者在被砍后再次回归,最显眼的是丽莎·库卓(Lisa Kudrow)主演的HBO喜剧《归来记》(The Comeback),它在2005年播出一季后被砍,今年11月回归。

    These are a few old shows that found new vigor in 2014 and deserve another look — and also a few that don’t.


    ‘Homeland’ This Showtime espionage thriller seemed destined for irrelevance after Brody (Damian Lewis) was finally killed at the end of Season 3. Season 4 has so far turned out to be remarkably vital and exhilarating without him, this time by pitting Carrie (Claire Danes) against a beautiful, deceitful Pakistani intelligence officer, Tasneem, (Nimrat Kaur).

    《国土安全》(Homeland):第三季末布洛迪(Brody,戴米恩·路易斯[Damian Lewis]饰)最终被杀后,映时频道(Showtime)的这部间谍惊悚剧似乎走到了尽头。目前看来,第四季没了他却变得充满活力,令人喜爱。卡莉(Carrie,克莱尔·丹尼斯[Claire Danes]饰)这次的对手是美貌、狡猾的巴基斯坦情报官塔斯尼姆(Tasneem,尼姆拉特·考尔[Nimrat Kaur]饰)。

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