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    Sony Finds Allies in Google and Microsoft to Stream Movie


    LOS ANGELES — With the help of the technology giants Google and Microsoft, Sony Pictures began distributing “The Interview” online Wednesday after a terror threat led the major theater chains to cancel the film’s release.

    洛杉矶——周三,在科技业巨头谷歌(Google)和微软(Microsoft)的帮助下,索尼电影娱乐公司(Sony Pictures)开始在线发行《采访》(The Interview,又译《刺杀金正恩》)。此前,恐怖威胁导致大型连锁影院取消了放映该片的计划。

    Among the Internet services that offered the film were the Google Play store, Google’s YouTube and Microsoft’s Xbox Video. Sony began showing the film on a website of its own, with help from the technology companies Kernel and Stripe. The film was available to rent for $6 and buy for $15.

    提供这部片子的互联网服务平台包括Google Play商店、谷歌旗下的YouTube和微软旗下的Xbox Video。同时,在科技公司Kernel和Stripe的帮助下,索尼也开始在自家的网站上放映该片。影片的租金是6美元(约合37元人民币),售价则为15美元。

    A day earlier, Sony revealed new plans to release “The Interview” on Thursday in about 200 theaters owned by small chains or independent operators. Sony said that number had grown to about 300. In Manhattan, Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater will begin playing it on Friday.

    早前一天,索尼公布了周四在大约200家影院上映《采访》的新计划。这些电影院的所有方均为小型院线或独立运营商。索尼称,上映该片的影院数量后来增至大约300家。在曼哈顿,林肯中心的瓦尔特·里德剧院(Walter Reade Theater)也将于周五开始放映该片。

    Google and Microsoft joined what had become more a campaign to defend free speech against foreign intimidation than a business initiative. The initial theatrical retreat followed a threat — traced by the F.B.I. to the North Korean government — of 9/11-style violence against theaters that showed the lowbrow comedy, which is about the assassination of North Korea’s ruler.


    “It was essential for our studio to release this movie, especially given the assault upon our business and employees by those who wanted to stop free speech,” Michael Lynton, chairman of Sony Pictures, said in a statement on Wednesday.

    “对我们公司来说,放映这部影片至关重要,特别是考虑到那些想阻碍言论自由的人对我们的业务及员工发起的攻击,”索尼电影娱乐公司的董事长迈克尔·林顿(Michael Lynton)周三发表声明称。

    Eric Schmidt, Google’s chairman, personally helped broker the “Interview” deal, according to a person with knowledge of the discussions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the talks were private. Senior Microsoft leaders were also quick to align. But both companies needed time to conduct an extensive assessment of their system capacities and security.

    一名知情人士称,谷歌董事会执行主席埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)亲自出面,帮助促成了放映《采访》的协议。因为相关谈判是私下里进行的,这名人士要求不具名。微软的几名高级领导人也很快加入。不过,两家公司需要一些时间,以对各自的系统容量和安全性进行广泛评估。

    The F.B.I. and Sony’s own forensic experts briefed the technology companies on the nature of the digital intrusion on Sony so that Google and Microsoft could ensure they would not be exposed to the same problem, this person said.


    The hacker group that attacked Sony had promised further hostile action if the studio cobbled together an alternate release for “The Interview.” As of Wednesday, it did not seem that the revised plan had prompted any new attack, though pirated versions of the film were already appearing online.


    Google wrote in a blog post that Sony contacted it on Dec. 17, when it first became clear that the film’s planned theatrical release would be scrapped and before irate Hollywood stars and President Obama began criticizing the studio for caving. The Google post said that it was “eager to help — though given everything that’s happened, the security implications were very much at the front of our minds.”


    Brad Smith, Microsoft’s general counsel, wrote in a blog post on Wednesday that “a cyberattack on anyone’s rights is a cyberattack on everyone’s rights, and together we need to defend against it.”

    微软的总法律顾问布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)则在周三发布的博客文章中写道,“用网络攻击任何一个人的权利,都是在攻击所有人的权利,我们需要合力抵御这种攻击。”

    He added, however, “We’re not endorsing this movie or any other.”


    After suffering financially from the diminished theatrical release of “The Interview,” Sony will help its bottom line with the online distribution. Studios have been eager to increase on-demand viewing because they keep as much as 75 percent of that revenue. And although contracts vary, studios receive roughly 50 percent of ticket revenue from movie theaters, with the theater owners keeping the other half.


    Sony’s hope is that the Google and Microsoft deals, which do not cover viewing abroad, will serve as an icebreaker for other partners. Last week, the movie studio contacted cable and satellite companies to rent “The Interview” but was rebuffed. Apple similarly refused.


    Apple has had problems with the security of its iCloud storage system; celebrities’ individual accounts were hacked in late summer.


    In its statement, Google said it “could not sit on the sidelines and allow a handful of people to determine the limits of free speech in another country (however silly the content might be).” Google also has business interests in play. YouTube is mostly known for free viewing but has offered a video rental service since 2011. “The Interview” and the surrounding attention could give that service a boost.


    Google also gets to one-up Apple on a prominent Hollywood matter.


    Sony’s alliance with Google runs counter to recent tension with the movie industry. This month, Google’s general counsel, Kent Walker, criticized the Motion Picture Association of America after the disclosure — in Sony emails that the hackers stole — of a plan by the association to revive an antipiracy bill. Google was perhaps the most aggressive opponent of that unsuccessful legislation.

    与索尼和谷歌的结盟形成反差的是,电影行业最近与谷歌关系紧张。本月,谷歌的总法律顾问肯特·沃克(Kent Walker)对美国电影协会(Motion Picture Association of America)进行了谴责,因为此前,被黑客窃取的索尼的电子邮件显示,协会打算重新推动一部反盗版提案。而谷歌可以说是这项不成功立法的最激烈的反对者。

    “One disappointing part of this story is what this means for the M.P.A.A. itself, an organization founded in part ‘to promote and defend the First Amendment and artists’ right to free expression,’ ” Mr. Walker wrote in a blog post. “Why, then, is it trying to secretly censor the Internet?”


    The movie association fired back, “Google’s effort to position itself as a defender of free speech is shameful.”


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