Listen up, Game of Thrones fans: The finale is coming.
After waiting 42 weeks for Game of Thrones' new season to start, it's hard to accept that it's already the end. This season has been tough, what with the writers throwing in some twists and turns that weren't in the books, all of which were basically terrible things happening to beloved female characters. Sansa married Westeros' biggest sociopath. Princess Shireen was burned alive by her dad. So... the finale has to do a lot to reverse the bad fan sentiment. And we have some ideas for how to make that happen!
Here are the eight things we'd most like to see on the Game of Thrones finale:
(Please note: This author has not read the books, so these events are not based anywhere in GRRM's reality. But hey, if the writers can make stuff up, so can I!)
1. We find out that Shireen didn't die after all: OK, yes, we saw her get burned at the stake. But! We didn't see a body. Remember in Season 1 when Daenerys threw herself on a blazing funeral pyre and walked out of it? What if Queen Selyse were part Targaryen and thus passed along the fireproof gene? Imagine the look on Melisandre's face. (Variation: Maybe greyscale protects from fire?)
1. 希琳公主并没有死:好吧,我们确实是看到公主遭受焚如之祸,但是!我们并没有看到她的遗体呀!还记得第一季里丹妮莉丝走入卓戈的火葬台焚烧一夜却是毫发无损吗?万一塞丽丝王后是坦格利安的旁系刚好继承了防火血统呢?阔以想像一下届时梅丽珊卓的脸会有多绿吧~(又或者说不定灰鳞可以保护公主免受火焚?)
2. Sansa reunites with Brienne and throws a reverse Red Wedding for the Boltons: Brienne has spent the entire season standing outside of Winterfell, looking for a sign that Sansa needs her. Let's advance that plotline and get someone on Sansa's side at long last. Pod will lock the Boltons in the Great Hall of Winterfell and with a clap of her hands, Sansa will shank Ramsay Bolton right through the throat with that metal thing she picked up a couple episodes ago. Brienne can knife Roose Bolton in the face and then Lady Stone heart can emerge from a darkened corner, wring Theon's neck and shout, "The North sends their regards!" (Note: Roose's pregnant wife could theoretically get stabbed in the stomach for some truly symmetrical violence, but honestly, it's been a rough enough season for ladies this year. I say she joins Brienne, Sansa, and Pod on the road and sends the baby off to train for the Night's Watch.)
2. 珊莎再会布蕾妮,上演波顿家族版的血色婚礼:这一整季,布蕾妮都驻守在临冬城外等着珊莎的召唤。我们可以自行脑补一下这一条情节线,再给珊莎寻个誓死效忠她的力量。珊莎拍掌示意波德把波顿家族锁在临冬城大厅之中,然后她用事先藏起来的金属物件划断拉姆斯·波顿的咽喉,而布蕾妮则手刃卢斯·波顿。接着,石心夫人从阴暗的角落中走出来,紧紧箍住席恩的脖子嘶喊:“北境的致意!”(注意注意:卢斯的孕妻理论上是应该被在肚子扎上几刀才能够重现血色婚礼的场景。不过说实在的,今年本季的女性角色实在是够多灾多难的,所以她应该会加入布蕾妮、珊莎和波德一派,并把孩子送去长城成为守夜人军团的一员。)
3. Jon Snow banishes Ser Alliser Thorne: Speaking of the Night's Watch... Send Alliser Thorne to one of the unoccupied castles along the Wall, and send Ollie with him as a squire. We don't trust the dirty looks that kid's been giving, and we know he knows his way around a crossbow.
3. 琼恩·雪诺流放艾里沙·索恩爵士:说到守夜人军团,希望雪诺会把艾里沙·索恩爵士发配到绝境长城上无人坐镇的堡垒,把奥利指配给索恩爵士当侍从。这位少年对雪诺和野人合作的决定的抗议在脸上表现得一清二楚,所以我们无法信任一个随时会举起武器的叛逆少年。
4. Arya gives Ser Meryn Trant a poisoned oyster: But really, we'd be happy with any resolution that doesn't involve her becoming an underage prostitute. That was heavily hinted at in the last episode. Can we have one lady in the entire story who isn't in sexual peril?
4. 艾莉娅请梅林·特林爵士食用毒牡蛎:老实说,如果可以看到不需要假扮未成年性工作者就可以手刃仇人的话我们会很开心的,毕竟上一集展现了这么一条线索引导大家往那方面想。话说整个故事里就不能有一个姑娘不需要面对情色危机吗?
5. King Tommen's balls drop: You're the king. You have a whole fleet of sword-wielding security guards at your disposal. Send the Gold Cloaks down to the black cells, get your extended family out of there and banish the Faith Militant to serve in the Night's Watch if they really want to help the kingdom.
5. 托曼大王生出点男子气概:您可是大王呢!您还有一整支武装骑士任您差遣呢!把您的金袍卫士派去黑牢救出你的家人,把这些战士之子发配到北境的守夜人军团吧,那里更能实现保家卫国的愿望好嘛!
But first...
6. Cersei gets her comeuppance, but doesn't die: She's already serving hard time and has at the very least realized that arming a bunch of religious zealots wasn't her greatest idea. Ideally, we'd like to have that message driven home in a way that doesn't involve her death. Because no matter how much you hate Cersei, watching Lena Headey play her is a joy, and we would sincerely miss Westeros' biggest wino if anything were to happen to her. Frankly, having her beloved daughter return as a petulant, love-struck teenager will probably be punishment enough.
6. 瑟曦自食苦果,生不如死:瑟曦已经度过了一段艰难的牢狱时光,她也应该意识到自己做了什么好事——武装一伙宗教狂热者。希望能够不会听到她的死讯咯,毕竟无论瑟曦多不讨喜,琳娜·海蒂的演绎真的很让人喜欢!如果瑟曦有什么不测,我们一定会真心怀念维斯特洛里最不得了的酒精爱好者的!再者,她疼惜的女儿要回到维斯特洛了,有了这么个心心念念都是男女私情的磨人女儿也够她忍受的了。
7. Daenerys circles back on Drogon to pick up Tyrion, Jorah, and Missandei, frees her other two dragon babies, and then flies them all to Westeros: Don't leave your pals hanging, dragon queen! But for real, things aren't working out in Meereen. Maybe it's time to move that plotline back across the Narrow Sea. There are some White Walkers badly in need of some dragon-breathing.
7. 丹妮莉丝跟卓耿遛弯儿回来了,接上提利昂、乔拉和弥桑黛,释放她的龙娃儿们,然后和孩儿们杀向维斯特洛:嘿,龙妈!可别忘了你的小伙伴们尚处在危险之中!丹妮女王在弥林无法施展她的宏图大略,所以是不是改把故事线拉向狭海对岸了呢?何况对岸还有一些异鬼十分想来点龙息尝尝。
8. The Sand Snakes get some legitimate character development and a half-decent fight scene: Haha, just kidding. We can't ask too much.
8. 沙蛇们可以有更多的情节发展,再来一场稍微认真一点的战斗场景:哎哟~开个玩笑啦,我们不能啥都想哈哈哈!
What do you hope happens in the finale?