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    The time has come for “Pretty Little Liars” to answer the burning questions — some that have been around since the very first episode. Troian Bellisario promises Zap2it that all of the answers are coming. Maybe even some you didn’t think to ask.

    《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liar)是时候解开所有这些撩人心弦的谜团了——有些谜团甚至从第一集开始就存在了。特莉安·贝利索里奥(Troian Bellisario)向Zap2it记者保证,所有答案都将做出解答,或许有些问题你都没想过要问。

    “Everybody on my show would kill me if I didn’t tease the fact that we are actually going to reveal all the answers next week — every answer,” she teases, quipping that all of science’s major mysteries are going to be tackled by “Pretty Little Liars.”“The meaning of life, the whole description of Pi … We’re going to go all the way to the end of Pi. It’s just an hour of us reading aloud the entirety of Pi,” says Bellisario. “We figured out time travel. We have the answer to that as well.”

    如果我不用我们即将揭开的迷调戏下观众的话,全剧组都会杀了我的。”她俏皮地取笑道,所有科学上的重大问题都将被《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liar)解决。“对于人生的意义,我们将追寻到π的尽头找到对π的完整诠释,大声读完π的所有数值只需要一个小时而已,”贝利索里奥(Bellisario)说,“我们搞清楚了时间旅行,关于这个我们也有了答案。”

    When she’s done joking, Bellisario gets serious and promises that really — no, really — all of the questions will be answered, including who “A” is — so you better tune in.


    “All the answers on ‘Pretty Little Liars’ — don’t miss it,” she says.

    “《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liar)将揭开所有谜底——别错过了,”她说。

    “Pretty Little Liars” Season 6 airs Tuesday, Aug. 11 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on ABC Family.

    《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liar)第六季将于8月11号,星期二晚9点在ABC Family播出。敬请期待!





      上一篇:预言《神奇四侠》(Fantastic Four)系列电影故事的发展 下一篇: 《明迪烦事多》新生儿情节将在第四季早早展开


