欲望都市女星代言玉兰油 需PS除皱纹
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          Her character in Sex and the City was obsessed with anti-ageing products and in the most recent film, purchased a cocktail of pills and vitamins to make sure time stood still.

      But in real life, Kim Cattrall prefers a more simple beauty regime - Olay Total Effects. The actress, 54, appears flawless and fresh-faced in the new skincare campaign and no doubt had some digital help along the way.

      作为红极10年美剧《欲望都市》的女主角,剧中扮演“萨曼莎”一角的演员Kim Cattrall在剧中以“不服老”、并且有一定年纪的“渴望性爱”的“熟女形象”赢得粉丝的倾爱。在电影《欲望都市2》中,她就以每天吃N种维生素来保持年轻容颜让观众铭记于心。这回,在现实生活中的54岁的Kim Cattrall提倡“简单护肤”,获得“玉兰油全效护肤”代言机会,在广告中大方展现性感身体,注意了,有眼尖的媒体发现,54岁“萨曼莎”确实“岁月不饶人”,她在广告中的美丽造型竟然用了PS技术来驱除衰老皱纹!

      Kim is the new spokesperson for Total Effects Anti-Aging Body Wash and Lotion, which claims to 'improved elasticity in 1 week, younger-looking, radiant skin in 1 month.' A spokesperson for Procter & Gamble say TV commercials are set to launch in the U.S on February 28th with magazine ads appearing in April.

      据悉,演员Kim Cattrall这次为玉兰油全效乳液的是基于该品牌的神奇疗效,因为该品牌这款产品号称1周内改善肌肤弹性程度、1个月让你的肌肤容光焕发。萨曼莎的这回经过PS技术的广告将在2月28日左右全美电视播放,相关杂志会在4月与粉丝见面。

      上一篇:奥普拉玩真人秀 卸妆洗澡素颜照曝光 下一篇:《青蜂侠》北美热映—周杰伦接受采访“秀”英文


