The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine and while he poses just like his mum Victoria - he looks the spitting image of his handsome soccer star dad David in the black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean.
这位少年登上了《Man About Town》杂志封面,照片上他的动作像极了他母亲维多利亚,而在一组黑白照片中,他简直和他的球星爸爸大卫一模一样,同时也让人怀念起老一代的好莱坞明星——年轻时的詹姆斯·迪恩。
The pictures were taken by photographer Alasdair McLellan, who shot Victoria for UK Vogue and David for Fantastic Man, and is a 'friend of the family'.
这组图片由摄影师麦克莱伦执镜,他曾为维多利亚拍摄《Vogue》杂志照,为大卫拍摄《Fantastic Man》大片,他是“这一家人的好朋友”。
Man About Town magazine, a biannual publication, says it is 'targeted at high-end business-engaged and culturally-orientated male urbanities... giving a guide to the seasonal men must haves.'
《Man About Town》杂志是一本半年刊,杂志负责人说该杂志“目标受众是高端的商务精英和有着深厚文化底蕴的都市男性。这是一本时尚男士的必备指南。”
Brooklyn follows in the footsteps of his younger brother Romeo, 11, who had a starring role in a Burberry campaign in December 2012.
And just like his famous parents, it seems that Brooklyn's also a dedicated follower of fashion as he's pictured wearing labels including Ralph Lauren, Saint Laurent and Supreme.