Daniel Radcliffe问道:“如果是Michael Fassbender的话,他会怎么办呢?”
They both have a penchant for shedding their clothes for roles, and now Daniel Radcliffe has revealed that when he needs some career advice, he turns to fellow British actor Michael Fassbender for inspiration.
他们都倾向于为出演的角色脱掉自己的衣服,现在Daniel Radcliffe表示他需要一些关于职业发展方向的建议,所以他转向了同样是英国演员的Michael Fassbender寻求帮助和灵感。
Radcliffe said that the question "What would Michael Fassbender do?" has become a bit of a mantra for him, explaining that it's Fassbender's smart choices that have put him on such a high pedestal for the former "Harry Potter" star.
Radcliffe说“如果是Michael Fassbender的话,他会怎么办呢?”这个问题对他来说已经变得有点像一个咒语了,他解释道,Fassbender的明智的选择让他作为一个曾经的“哈利波特”这个角色来说面临更加艰难的选择。
"I should just get a little bracelet made with that on it," Radcliffe told the site.
"Michael Fassbender is one of a group of actors that I really, really admire, and I think everything he does in his career is brilliant."
“Michael Fassbender是我非常非常欣赏的演员之一,并且我认为他在职业生涯中真的无可挑剔。”
That admiration came about in 2012, while Radcliffe was shooting the horror flick "The Woman in Black" with director James Watkins.
这种崇拜从2012年Radcliffe拍摄James Watkins导演的作品恐怖片《黑衣女人》时就开始了。
"We were offered an advertising tie-in, from a very classy company," Radcliffe said.
"And we were like, 'Well, this is a gothic horror film. Is that the way we want to represent ourselves?'"
And since Watkins had worked with Fassbender on a previous film, Eden Lake, Radcliffe asked him, "Would Fassbender do something like this?"
因为Watkins先生曾与Fassbender先生合作过一部叫做《爱登湖》的电影,Radcliffe便询问Watkins先生,“如果是Michael Fassbender的话,他会怎么办呢?”
And Watkins said, "Nope."
And lo, a movie star man crush was born.
Now if only we could get these two on the big screen together--preferably with as little clothing as possible.
After all, it seems like something Michael Fassbender would do.
毕竟,这看起来是Michael Fassbender会做的事。