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    Stunning: Monica Bellucci styled at 18-years-old by Piero Montanucci, the hairdresser who discovered her

    Pouting into the camera with all the assurance of a teenage bombshell, these exclusive pictures show a teenage Monica Bellucci in some of her earliest shoots.

    十几岁的莫妮卡对着镜头双唇微翘,这些早期的独家照片显露着莫妮卡·贝鲁奇(Monica Bellucci)青春期的迷人。

    Taken an incredible 32 years before she was selected, aged 50, from among the world's most beautiful women, as the latest Bond girl - these images show how the remarkable Italian actress has remained virtually unchanged by time.


    The raven-haired beauty will become officially the oldest-ever Bond girl when she appears in the new 007 film Spectre opposite Daniel Craig next year.

    莫妮卡有着一头乌黑发亮的秀发,她和丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig)联袂出演的最新007电影《幽灵》(Spectre)明年上映,届时,她将正式成为史上最高龄邦女郎。

    'Just look at her lips,' her father Pasquale Bellucci insists, as he opens the family archive for MailOnline.

    应《每日邮报》之邀,莫妮卡的父亲帕斯夸里·贝鲁奇(Pasquale Bellucci)述说家族史时强调道:“看看她的唇”。

    'Everyone says she has had work done. But here is the proof. Her lips really were that full even at the very beginning. She's completely natural.'


    Her father, who ran his own lorry company before he retired, and her mother, a housewife, couldn't be prouder of their only child, who found fame on the catwalk before posing nude in Vanity Fair and starring in dozens of films including Bram Stoker's Dracula and Mel Gibson's The Passion.

    莫妮卡·贝鲁奇最初走T台成名,而后在时尚杂志《名利场》(Vanity Fair)中裸身出镜,并出演众多影片,如布莱姆·斯托克(Bram Stoker)的《惊情四百年》(Dracula)和梅尔·吉普森(Mel Gibson)的《耶稣受难记》(The Passion)前在就在。莫妮卡的父亲退休前经营着一家火车运输公司,母亲是一名家庭主妇。她对他们唯一的孩子感到难以言表的骄傲。

    The supermodel's pictures - which Mr Bellucci insists have not been seen before - hang everywhere in the family home in the village of Selci Lama near Citta del Castello, Umbria where she grew up 'surrounded by love'. Stacks of VHS tapes of her interviews from all over the world stand next to the TV.

    莫妮卡在“爱的包围中”长大,她的老家在距离翁布里亚卡斯得洛城不远的塞尔西·利马(Selci Lama)村,家中挂满了这位超级名模的照片。她的父亲称这些照片从未公诸于世。电视机旁还摆放着许许多多的录像带,收集了她在世界各地的采访。

    'It's lucky we never had another child. They would probably have been jealous of Monica', her mother Brunella laughs.


    But despite her breathtaking beauty as an adult, the sex siren wasn't a cute baby or toddler. 'She was so ugly', Pasquale says, pealing into laughter as they bring out 'Monica's first nude' aged 4 months.


    Until she was a teenager they even kept her hair short like a boy, as her father had a theory that it would make it stronger and thicker in the long run. 'That's why she still has that long beautiful black hair today,' he insists.


    But by 12 it was clear that she was exceptional -- she had an early instinct for fashion and already wore high heels, makeup and a chic turban to cover her short curly hair.


    Her beauty was utterly captivating even then. Complete strangers propositioned her with offers of millions of lira and a new life abroad, friends say.




    Family portrait: Pasquale Bellucci (pictured, back) says his daughter (pictured at 12, left) was ugly as a toddler

    Waiters and waitresses at restaurants offered her the opportunity to eat for free. Teachers at school lost concentration – one presented her parents with a sketch he had done of her while supposedly teaching her in class.


    But such beauty in a small town was not always a blessing. Monica at one point became reclusive because the attention was overwhelming, her father remembers.


    'All the other kids would go and hang around in the piazza after school, as teenagers do. But Monica would hide away, taking a detour through the backstreets and then coming straight home.


    'One day I asked her why she didn't want to be in the square with the others and she said: "When I go in the piazza everyone looks at me. The men look at me. The women look at me. All the kids from school. I feel ashamed".'


    Her father continued: 'I told her "You need to get used to it. Looking like you everyone is going to stare at you for the rest of your life. You have to be strong." From that day she blossomed. She became strong'.


    These early words of wisdom boosted her self-assurance and she was soon 'discovered' by a local hairdresser who she met when she hitched a lift off him into town.


    Piero Montanucci, who is a still a friend today, says Monica 'had total self confidence' from their first shoots. He released pictures which he said had never been seen before to show how her natural beauty is unchanged.

    仍和莫妮卡保持着朋友关系的皮耶罗·莫坦努其(Piero Montanucci)说,在第一次拍摄时,莫妮卡就“极具自信”。他展示了一些从未公开过的照片,从中可以看出着莫妮卡的天生丽质从未改变。

    The flamboyant hairdresser who still has a salon in Citta di Castello remembers the heady days of the 1970s: 'One day we did a shoot for some hair mousse with a photographer.

    这位著名的发型师现在仍在卡斯得洛城(Citta di Castello)开着一家美发沙龙。70年代的日子令人难忘,他回忆道:“一天我们和一位摄影家一起为某个摩丝品牌拍照。

    'But somehow the pictures turned out nude. The boss called me after two days and said 'Piero you've shot everything but her hair'. We had to do it all over again.'


    Monica dressed 'almost androgynously' in the village, he said, as she didn't like to exhibit herself.


    'One day she was wearing some sexy outfit on a shoot and I said she should dress more like that in Citta. She said, "Piero do you really think I can go around the village wearing this?" I had to admit no. It might have caused chaos!'


    Half the town was in love with her, friends say. But Monica herself has said she found it annoying. She told an Italian newspaper: 'I was born in a provincial town.


    'There any beautiful girl elicits a morbid curiosity just for existing. It was annoying. If you spoke to anyone people said you had gone to bed with them. For the men you are an object, for the women a whore.'


    With all the attention, the diva's first lover came when she was 14 - in a Fiat Lancia. Monica told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. 'I was 14 and a half. Precocious. He was four years older... I could have done it far earlier as I was very free but I did it with a boy who I was very I love with who I liked physically and everything happened in the most beautiful of ways.'

    这位女神的初恋是在14岁,第一次是在一辆菲亚特的兰旗亚车上,莫妮卡对意大利《晚邮报》(Corriere della Sera)说。“那时我14岁半,很早熟。他比我大四岁……因为不受任何约束,我本可以更早这么做的。但是只有在遇到一位我全身心爱着的男孩时,在一切都最美的时候——我才这么做。”

    But the Dolce and Gabbana muse refused all offers of fame and fortune saying she wanted to finish school first.


    Her former mentor Piero explains: 'She didn't want to become famous -she always said she wanted to study 'and then we'll see'. Everything just happened to her. She did everything slowly, little by little. That's why her career has lasted. That's why she's still at star at 50 years old.'


    After their final shoot together aged 19, before she went off to Milan signing a contract with Elite, Piero saw the contact sheet and said 'But Monica you are a beautiful girl', he remembers. 'She said: 'Hadn't you noticed before now?'

    他们最后一次摄影是在莫妮卡19岁时,在她动身去米兰和世界精英模特大赛(Elite)签署合同前,皮耶罗看了合同后说:“不过莫妮卡,你是个漂亮的女孩。” 皮耶罗回忆到,她说:“之前你没注意到吗?”

    Despite her celebrity credentials, the Matrix actress returns to Citta di Castello often. But she and her two daughters Leonie and Dava will spend Christmas in Brazil with former husband Vincent Cassel whom she divorced this year.

    尽管她名声远扬,这位《黑客帝国》(Matrix)女演员常常回到卡斯得洛城。去年她和文森特·卡塞尔(Vincent Cassel)离了婚,但是她与两个女儿莉奥妮(Leonie)和达瓦(Dava)将和前夫一起在巴西过圣诞节。

    In a storyline fit for a Bond girl, she was briefly rumoured to be dating Russian oligarch Telman Ismailov, but her parents scotched reports of a relationship.

    邦女郎总是会成为话题人物,有传言说她和俄罗斯寡头捷利曼·伊斯梅洛夫(Telman Ismailov)相恋,但她的父母为此作出澄清。

    Her mother said: 'She wants to be single. She has had a marriage – it lasted 20 years-now she's not looking for anything. She wants to give her love to her children. If love happens it happens.'


    Striking brunette Brunella, who is a clothes size 8 and still works out at the gym - diva style - in full make-up, looks at least a decade younger than her real age of 71. She puts the family's longevity down to a diet high in fish – and homegrown vegetables from their garden.


    And if the latest Bond star is anything like her mother she'll still be gracing our screens in 20 years.


      上一篇:“卷福”康伯巴奇金球奖抢镜 下一篇:五部邓波儿由出演并大放光彩的电影


