“The Brink” has earned a second season from HBO.
HBO续订了《政局边缘》(The Brink)第二季。
The dark comedy, starring Jack Black and Tim Robbins, was renewed, just a month after its June premiere.
这部由杰克·布莱克(Jack Black)和蒂姆·罗宾斯(Tim Robbins)主演的黑色喜剧在六月开播仅一个月之后,就获得了续订。
“The Brink” focuses on a geopolitical crisis and its effect on three disparate and desperate men. Walter Larson (Robbins), U.S. secretary of state; Alex Talbot, a lowly foreign service officer (Black); and Zeke Tilson (Pablo Schreiber), an ace Navy fighter pilot. These three compromised souls must pull through the chaos around them to save the planet from World War Three.
该剧讲的是在一场地缘政治危机爆发后,三个完全不同的政客间的故事。罗宾斯饰演美国国务卿沃尔特·拉森(Walter Larson),布莱克饰演国务院驻外事务处官员艾莱克斯·塔波特(Alex Talbot),帕布罗·施雷柏(Pablo Schreiber)饰演王牌战斗机飞行员泽科·提尔森(Zeke Tilson)。这三个原本毫不相干的人在混乱中走到一起,他们必须共同进退,才能阻止世界免遭第三次世界大战之苦。
The series, which was created by Roberto Benabib and Kim Benabib and exec produced by Jerry Weintraub, Roberto Benabib and Jay Roach, drew just over a million viewers in its last airing.
该剧由罗贝托·本纳比(Roberto Benabib)和金·本纳比(Kim Benabib)创作,由杰里·温特莱布(Jerry Weintraub)、罗贝托·本纳比和杰·洛奇(Jay Roach)担任执行制作人。
Its timeslot partner, “Ballers,” was also recently picked up for a second season.
老友记第九季 http://www.tingclass.net/list-5036-1.html
实习医生格蕾第二季 http://www.tingclass.net/list-8671-1.html
美国脱口秀女王奥普拉20年精选集 http://www.tingclass.net/list-7616-1.html