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      George RR Martin试图从别处捕捉灵感。

      据George RR Martin本人透露,其《冰与火之歌》系列的下一本书《凛冬的寒风》(The Winds of Winter)将会出现剧情大反转。然而,这个反转并不如外界所言那般,它不会出现在改编的电视剧里,原因是当中许多角色在前几季的剧中已被杀。


      在IGN(Imagine Games Network,全球规模最大的游戏娱乐媒体)对其的专访中,Martin表示这个剧情反转的设计是经过多年细思的决定。“我已下定决心要这么做,而这和你们预想的一样么?我不得而知。很显然,因为涉及到几个已在剧中死去的角色,电视剧便无法将书中这个反转演绎出来。我为剧组把几个我计划继续留在书中的角色给“杀”掉了而倍感遗憾。”




      “我原以为我才是那个最极致的嗜血狂魔,但David (Benioff)和Dan(DB Weiss)(两人均为《权力的游戏》执行制片人)竟然比我陷得更深。”Martin开玩笑说。



      让衣柜军团(《权力的游戏》粉丝团)感到些许欣慰的是,Martin最近在其博客上表示他正在全力以赴写新书。面对一个粉丝关于他是否正在为《权力的游戏》创作剧本的提问时,他回复道:“在交出《凛冬的寒风》书稿以前,我将不会再写广播剧、电视剧、短篇故事、简介、序言或其他任何文本。我放下了手头除《Wild Cards》(1987年首次出版的一个科幻小说和超级英雄选集系列,Martin是其中一个编撰者,该系列即将于2016年出版一本新书)以外的所有编撰工作。”

      George RR Martin has revealed he will go ahead with a twist in the next Game of Thrones book The Winds of Winter that will not be able to happen in the TV adaption, because the character has been killed off on the show.

      In an interview with IGN, Martin said he had decided he would include the twist after a couple of years of deliberation. “I have decided to do it. Will you know it? I don’t know. It is fairly obvious because it is something that involves a couple of characters, one of which is dead on the show, and not dead in the books. So the show can’t do it, unfortunately, because they have killed someone I have not killed.”

      Last month, Martin confirmed he had missed the last deadline – 31 December 2015 – that would have allowed the sixth novel in his fantasy series to be published before the next Game of Thrones series begins in April.

      Deviations from the Song of Ice and Fire novels have happened frequently before in the TV show, with Martin telling fans concerned about the show spoiling the books: “Some of the ‘spoilers’ you may encounter in season six may not be spoilers at all … because the show and the books have diverged, and will continue to do so.”

      In the IGN interview, Martin said revealing that the coming twist involved a dead character would not spoil anything because “at this point there are like 15 characters who are dead on the show who are still alive on the books.”

      “I get all this stuff about being bloody-minded but [Game of Thrones showrunners] David [Benioff] and Dan [DB Weiss] are bloodier than I am,” he joked.

      When asked if he ever felt he had to “beat the show”, Martin said: “If I did have that thought, I’ve lost – because the show has caught up and is in the process of passing me. Ideally, I would have liked to have finished all seven books and have the story complete, but the show moves at a faster pace than I do and that’s partly because I am a slow writer.”

      Martin attributed the delayed release of The Winds of Winter to “a lot of distractions in the last few years”, including the TV show itself, for which he wrote a few episodes in early seasons and still helps produce. “It is what it is, and ideally I wish I could hold up The Winds of Winter right now and tell everyone to go buy it … but it is still not done so all I can do is continue to write it.”

      Game of Thrones fans recently got a little jolt of hope from the author when he wrote on his blog that he was now focused entirely on the books. In reply to a fan who asked if he would be writing an episode for the TV show’s seventh season, Martin wrote: “I am not writing anything until I deliver Winds of Winter. Teleplays, screenplays, short stories, introductions, forewords, nothing. And I’ve dropped all my editing projects but Wild Cards.”

      上一篇:“美少女的谎言”男神布朗特加盟影片《五十度飞》 下一篇:《纸牌屋》第五季制片人换人 编剧上位


