20. Blame it on Men
What's the real reason women get fat? It's not chocolate or ice cream. According to a recent report, which was published in London, it's men! A magazine suggested men have a special warning written on their foreh-eads:" I can make you fat!" what do you think of that idea?
The report claims that when women fall in love, they tend to eat more. When they get married, they cook more. And when they get pregnant, of course, they gain weight. They blame it on men. So, girls, if you want to lose weight, you don't have to go on a diet: just dump your boyfriends!
thin 更苗条 slender 苗条
Mother blamed me for breaking the window, but my kid broher did it.
The farmers blamed their poor crops on the weather. 怪罪
two cocolates two icecreams 指种类 icecream 不可数
two scoops of icecream
according to me 错 应为 I think
I'll have my hair cut/done this weekend.
How do you like this song? How do you feel about this song? What do you think of this song?
tend to He tend to get angry.
bulimia 贪食症 anorexia 厌食症
She is expecting her baby. 她怀孕了
When is your baby due? 什么时候生下来?