Ms. Smith, an American, is talking to Mr. Ting, an expert on feng shui.
S: What changes would you suggest for my house?
T: I think that you should get an aquarium with goldfish.
S: Why?
T: Goldfish bring good luck.
S: Ok. Anything else?
T: You should also get rid of that mirror in front of your bed.
S: Why?
T: Your soul travels at night. It must find its way back to the body. The soul might see your body in the
mirror and get confused.
S: Hmm…really? What else?
T: Um… (He bumps into a coffee table.) ouch! And get rid of this table.
S: Why? It's just a coffee table.
T: It's dangerous. It will bring you bad luck.
S: Uh… are you sure?
coffee table 茶几
critical 危机的
Ms 已婚或未婚
advisor or adviser 都可以
one sheep, two sheep sheep单复数同 two cattle one head of cattle 不说one cattle
I wish you good luck.
bring good/bad luck
soul 灵魂
The light went out,fumble
fridge 冰箱(口语)
kindergarden 幼稚园
get/be confused about 困惑