Hoping to get free contact lenses, Freddy goes to the optician.
F: Could you help me check my eyes. Please?
O: Sure. Please have a seat and put on these glasses. Now, tell me. Which letters seem clearer?
F: The ones on the right.
O: Ok. Can you read these price tags?
F: Yes. They're as clear as daylight.
O: Fine. Read out the highest amount.
F: US$100.
O: Right. That's what it'll cost you.
F: But I thought the contact lenses are free.
O: Yes. But you'll have to pay for our service.
F: No wonder they say, "there's no such thing as a free lunch."
Holland = the Netherlands 荷兰 Dutch 荷兰人
There is a catch in the agreement. 陷阱,骗局
ophthamologist 眼科医生
It's quite a feat. 一门功夫
eyesight 视力 near-sighted 近视眼的 far-sighted 远视眼的
letter 字母 alphabet 字母表
post(英)/mail these letters for me My father is a man of letters. 有学问的人
pricey adj.昂贵的
Some department stores are rather pricey, so don't buy things there unless they have a sale. 降价
one buck, two bucks one grand, two grand 1000元
sth cost sb sb spend sth 不说:I cost 20 dollars.
be free = be for free = is free of charge 免费
不说:no such a thing no本身就是冠词 可以说:not such a thing not是副词