M: Hello everyone! And welcome to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.
C: Hi everyone! My name is Catherine.
M: What’ve you got Catherine for us today?
C: It’s a good question, well…
M: Hehe.
C: Uh, we’ve got a little bit of a Seinfeld situation, so for those of you who are not familiar with this American TV show, which by the way is one of my favorites, uh, Seinfeld is a TV show, a comedy about very awkward, very common situations that are taken to the extreme.
M: Hm, right, so it’s a very popular show. It was around for like ten years, I think.
C: Oh, yeah, yeah.
M: And, uh, but it’s not airing anymore. Well, they’re not making new episodes anymore.
C: Now you have to see them in reruns.
M: Reruns, right. So, um, we have a situation that’s very common, and it was… and it was pretty funny on the show, it’s a guy trying to rent a car.
C: Okay, so he’s probably at the airport or traveling and he… he’s had a long flight and he wants to rent a car, but of course there’re some problems, so…
M: Right.
C: This is an elementary level lesson by the way, so keep that in mind as we listen to this dialogue one time.
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