Step 1: Have a policy(制定约会政策)
Have a dating policy. Meeting for a weekday lunch will provide a limited time frame and a safe, public location.
Step 2: Be graceful(保持优雅)
Be graceful and keep up your end of the conversation, even if sparks aren’t flying.
Step2 保持优雅。约会期间一定要把谈话进行到底,即使你失去了热情和激情!
Step 3: Remain tactful(保持机智)
Remain tactful. Express disappointment without negativity. Say, “I’m having a good time but I was hoping we’d have more chemistry.” If your date seems nervous and awkward, tell them you’re feeling the same way and suggest ending the date.
Step3 保持机智。不要消极地向对方表达你的失望,你可以换种方式说:“我玩的很开心,但是我一直希望咱们之间能有更多来电的感觉。”如果你感觉约会很紧张很尴尬,就直接告诉对方,然后建议结束这场约会。
Step 4: Be honest(一定要真诚)
Be honest at the end of a bad date and say why you don’t want to go out again. For instance, “You’re nice but we don’t have a lot in common.” Or, “You have interesting things to say but the conversation was more one-sided than I like.”
Step4 一定要真诚。如果你不想约会就向对方说明原因。比如:“你人很好,但是咱们没有共同之处。”或“你是一个善于言谈很有风趣的人,但是我不喜欢每次谈话都由一个人掌控。”
Step 5: Get up and leave(起身离开)
Get up and leave if a date is touchy-feely, rude, abusive, or drunk