Growing the prolific ivy plant will convince you that you have a green thumb while adding fresh beauty around your house, indoors and outdoors.
You Will NeedIvy plants
Garden or potting soil
Cool, sunny location
Trellis, fence or brick wall
Adequate drainage
Step 1: Select ivy plants 选择常青藤的品种
Select ivy plants, choosing small-leaf varieties to grow ivy indoors and the English or Boston ivy for groundcovers or to grow outdoors on a brick wall or trellis.
Ivy may be propagated from cuttings by placing tip cuttings in a jar of water until roots appear, then planting.
Step 2: Fill container 在集装箱内装一些必须物
Fill a container with a little gravel, then add a rich potting soil to grow ivy indoors, placing your plant in a cool, sunny place and watering it regularly.
Step 3: Pick an outdoor location 选择室外的地点
Pick an outdoor location to grow ivy where your plant will receive at least four hours of sun daily, and where it will have a trellis, fence or brick wall to climb.
Ivy clings to surfaces with suckers that attach to objects which allow them to climb.
Step 4: Prepare soil 准备好合适的土壤
Prepare the soil, making sure it is rich and that it will provide your ivy adequate drainage.
Step 5: Plant 种植
Plant your ivy in the ground, covering the root ball with soil, and then pack down the soil around the plant.
Pinch back the ivy tips to grow bushier plants.
Step 6: Keep soil moist 保持土壤湿润
Keep the soil around your ivy moist for the first few weeks. Then wait and watch your plants take over, providing a green cover for walls, the ground or even ugly old pipes.
Boston Ivy is also known as Japanese Ivy and is native to Eastern Asia.
Ivy covered the broken walls.
n.1.沙砾, 砾石,石子
We bought six bags of gravel for the garden path.
n.1.排水, 放水
Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.
2.排水系统, 下水道
The defect in the drainage must be remedied.
adj.1.潮湿的, 微湿的,湿润的
Strawberries grow best in a cool, moist climate.
Winds from the sea are usually moist.