With a little effort and focus, your next report card will sport better grades
You Will NeedSeat in the front
Friend, tutor, or study group
Homework schedule (optional)
Step 1: Attend class 准时到学校
Attend every class and be on time.
Step 2: Understand your assignments 理解老师留作的业
Understand your assignments. Make sure you know what is expected by your teacher.
Step 3: Sit in front 做在前面
Sit in front of the classroom, near other students who actively participate.
Pay attention during class. Don’t get distracted or daydream. Work to stay engaged.
Step 4: Complete your homework 准时,独立完成作业
Complete your assigned readings and work on time. Talk with your teacher if you are having difficulty with an assignment.
Designate a time every day to do homework. Stick to your schedule and make it a habit.
Step 5: Participate in discussions 积极参与讨论
Participate in class. Ask questions and engage in discussions.
Step 6: Take notes 及时做笔记
Take notes and keep your notebooks organized. Jot down general ideas and concepts in class and then neatly rewrite your notes at home.
Step 7: Study 主动学习
Study with a friend, get a tutor, or join a study group. Take an active role in getting more out of class, and your grades will reflect your efforts.
The 2009 job market was excellent for the 950 American graduates who earned their Ph.D. in Economics, since approximately 2,200 economic jobs were available worldwide.
n.1.工作, 任务
His assignment was to follow the spy.
2.分配, 指派
vt.1.指派, 委任(某人任某职)
The chairman has designated her as his successor.
I'm designating you to act for me while I am away.
当我不在时, 我指派你来代替我。
2.标明, 指明, 命名
Will you designate the flowers you wish?