Steps 步骤
STEP 1 Cook your own meals 自己做饭
Cook and prepare your own meals as often as you can. This will help you avoid eating processed and fast foods, which are higher in sodium and fat.
Healthy, low-fat recipes and guidance are available in bookstores and on the internet.
STEP 2 Make a shopping list 列一个购物清单
Plan healthy meals and make a shopping list. Fill your cart with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain foods, and lean meats.
STEP 3 Read nutrition labels 阅读营养标注
Read nutrition labels. Pay attention to saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. The higher their numbers, the unhealthier they are.
STEP 4 Eat breakfast 吃早餐
Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast helps to rev up your metabolism. Make it a habit to eat something within the first hour after you wake up.
STEP 5 Eat every three to four hours 每个三四个小时进食一次
Try to eat small meals every three to four hours. Aim for three small, balanced meals and two snacks.
STEP 6 Drink plenty of water 大量饮水
Drink plenty of water every day. Water hydrates the body and aids the digestive system. And it's calorie-free!
STEP 7 Feel the difference 感受内在不同
Feel the difference in your body -- more energy and stamina -- as well as sharper thinking as you feed your body healthy foods.
STEP 8A study found that more than 16 percent of U.S. children and teens are obese.