Steps 步骤
Always consult a physician before taking any nutritional supplement. Be aware that research has not confirmed that bee pollen has any significant health benefits.
STEP 1 Boost nutrition and immune system 增强营养和免疫系统
Boost your nutrition and your immune system with bee pollen, which contains high amounts of readily-available protein as well as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and lipids.
Don't take bee pollen if you have an allergy to bee stings, a honey intolerance, or are allergic to ragweed or chrysanthemums.
STEP 2 Improve digestion 健胃消食
Improve your digestion. Bee pollen is used for such gastrointestinal problems as diarrhea, constipation, enteritis, and colitis. It's also used as a mild diuretic.
STEP 3 Lose weight 减肥瘦身
Jump-start your weight loss. Bee pollen is thought to rev up your metabolism and help burn calories while curbing food cravings.
STEP 4 Treat allergies 治疗过敏
Treat allergies, like hay fever and asthma, with bee pollen, which contains trace amounts of allergens and may act as a sort of allergy "shot," increasing your immunity.
STEP 5 Increase stamina 增强耐力
Increase your stamina or improve your athletic performance. Although not proven, bee pollen is often recommended by herbalists specifically for athletes.
STEP 6 Apply to skin 用于护肤
Apply bee pollen in cream form to soften skin to treat skin conditions like acne, diaper rash, and eczema.
STEP 7 Take capsules 食用蜂花粉胶囊
Take bee pollen in the form of granules, usually sold by the ounce. Capsules and tablets, which are usually 500 to 1,000 milligrams are taken at meals.
To make a single pound of honey, workers bees fly 55,000 miles and tap two million flowers.