Lesson 72 Part Ⅰ
Lesson 72
Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
Numbers an Dates: Volcanoes of the World
Volcano Height Year of Eruption
1.Kronotskaya,the USSR ____m. ________
2.Sundoro, Java ____m. ________
3.Mayon,the Philippines ____m. ________
4.Niigata Yakeyama, Japan ____m. ________
5.White Island, New Zealand ____m. ________
6.Fuego,Guatemala ____m. ________
7.San Miguel, ElSalvador ____m. ________
8.Vesuvio,Italy ____m. ________
9.Santorini,Greece ____m. ________
10.Colima,Mexico ____m. ________
Score :____
Lesson 72 Part Ⅱ Volcanoes( Ⅰ )
Lesson 72
Part Ⅱ Volcanoes(Ⅰ)
1.The appearance of a volcano:
A volcano looks like a ____mountain. The top is rather ____and ____.It is called the crater, that is, the ____of the volcano.
2.The cause of a volcano:
Deep down in the earth's surface there is molten rock. It is very hot and it runs like ____. This rock is called ____.For some reason some part of the earth's surface is ____.It cannot resist the ____of the molten lava. The lava forces its way up, passing through the rocks of the earth's ____and coming up to the ____. The lava ____,and the volcano is thus formed.
Lesson 72 Part Ⅲ Volcanoes( Ⅱ )
Lesson 72
Part Ⅲ Volcanoes(Ⅱ)
Name |
Place |
Description of Eruptions |
1.the greatest |
The island was almost |
one of recent |
completely____ |
years |
____ |
____ |
____. The noise of |
the explosion was |
heard ____miles |
away. |
2.the one |
A volcanic mountain |
which was |
____feet high and |
formed very |
____feet across was |
quickly |
____ |
____ |
formed from level |
ground in____ |
____. |
3.the one |
About ____people |
which was |
were killed. |
very de- |
structive |
____ |
____ |
4.the most |
Some neighbouring |
famous one |
____were____ |
of ancient |
under huge amounts |
times |
____ |
____ |
of ash. |
Lesson 72 PartⅠ
Lesson 72
PartⅠWarming-up Exercises
Numbers and Dates: Volcanoes of the World
Training Focus:
Indentifying numbers and dates: 1.numbers with three or four digits 2.years
Directions: This drill is for practice in recognizing numbers. Listen carefully. Write down the numbers as rapidly as you can.
1.There are about 850 active volcanoes in the world. Kronotskaya, 3,528 meters in height, is located in the USSR and it erupted in 1923.
2.Sundoro is one of many volcanoes in Java. It is 3,150 meters high and it erupted in 1906.
3.Mayon in the Philippines is 2,990 meters high, and it erupted in 1978.
4.Niigata Yakeyama in Japan is 2,400 meters high and it erupted in 1974.
5.White Island in New Zealand is 321 meters high and its latest eruption took place in 1980.
6.Fuego, 3,736 meters in height, is located in Guatemala and the last time it erupted was in 1980.
7.San Miguel in El Salvador is 2,130 meters high and it erupted in 1976.
8.Vesuvio, one of the well-known volcanoes of the world, is situated in Italy. It is 1,281 meters high and its latest eruption was in 1944.
9.Santorini in Greece is 130 meters high and it erupted in 1950.
10.Colima, 3,960 meters in height, is located in Mexico and it erupted in 1975.
Lesson 72 PartⅡ
Lesson 72
Directions: Complete the paragraphs according to the information you set from the tape.
Key: 1.cone-shaped, flat, hollow, mouth
2.liquid, lava, weak, pressure, crust, crater, overflows
Volcanoes (Ⅰ) (1′29″)
Today I am going to talk to you about volcanoes. In the first part of my lecture I am going to discuss what volcanoes are and how they are caused. Then I shall mention some examples of famous volcanoes and I'd like you to note the details about them as well.
First of all, what are volcanoes? Everyone I think has a mental picture of a volcano----in appearance it looks like a cone-shaped mountain. But the top of the cone is rather flat and hollow. This is the crater, which is, as it were, the mouth of the volcano. The volcano is formed by molten rock coming up from below the earth's crust; by molten rock we mean rock which is so hot that it runs like liquid. This rock is called lava. Lava, that's l-a-v-a, Iava.
Imagine a sort of pipe coming up form deep down in the earth's surface, passing through the rocks of the earth's crust and coming up to the crater. The lava forces its way up this pipe and overflows to form the sides of the volcano. The volcanic mountain is therefore formed from the lava and ashes pushed up from below the earth's surface.
Volcanoes are therefore found in areas where the earth's surface is for some reason week, and cannot resist the pressure of the molten lava.
Lesson 72 Part Ⅲ
Lesson 72
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the information you hear on the tape.
Key: (see tapescript)
Volcanoes (Ⅱ) (1′33″)
I'm now going to mention some famous volcanic eruptions or explosions that you should know about. The greatest volcanic eruption of recent years was when Krakatoa, an island in Indonesia, was almost completely blown up. Krakatoa, I'll spell that, K-r-a-k-a-t-o-a, Krakatoa. The noise of the explosion was heard 3,000 miles away.
Volcanoes can be formed very quickly. In Paricutin, in Mexick, that's P-a-r-i-c-u-t-i-n, Paricutin, in Mexico, a volcanic mountain 1,000 feet high and 3,000 feet across was formed from level ground in four months.
Volcanoes can be very destructive too. In May 1902 a volcano called Mont Pelée, that's M-o-n-t, and in another word, P-e-l-e-e, Mont Pel6e, on the island of Martinique, erupted, killing about 40,000 people. I'll spell Martinique for you, M-a-r-t-i-n-i-q-u-e, Martinique.
Now one of the most famous volcanic eruptions of ancient times was the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius, that's V-e-s-u-v-i-u-s, near Naples in 79 A. D. Some neighbouring towns were buried under huge amounts of ash. The ash preserved the bodies of many of the victims which can still be seen today.