1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
cheap in: 大家出钱
Let’s cheap in twenty dollars
2、 学来就用 Let’s practice
How long do you plan to stay here?
How long do you plan to stay with this company if hired?
I don’t really have set plan.
Any ideas?
I will stay until I feel my work here is down.
How long do you plan to stay here?
My goal is to have enough savings to start my own firm in five years.
Would you stay here until you can start your own firm?
I plan to.
Do you have any idea how long you plan to stay here?
I have no definite ideas in that area right now. It just depends on a number of things
3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
a. Have you been to the inventory sale?
b. What a deal!
c. What do they have?
d. Do you know when the sale ends?
e. Have fun!
f. What time does the mall open?
g. I need to get going.
h. I need to see a receipt.