UNIT 47 EDUCATION ( Ⅱ ) Lesson 93 Part Ⅰ
Lesson 93
Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
Note-taking: Some Undergraduate Courses in an English Department
Engl 115 ______________________________________
Engl 116 Introduction to Literature
Engl 121 ______________________________________
Engl 201 Studies in Modern Literature
Engl 203 ________________________________________
Engl 225 _______________________________________
Engl 238 _______________________________________
Engl 301 _______________________________________
Engl 360 _______________________________________
Engl 365 _______________________________________
Engl 393 Myth and Literature
Engl 400 _______________________________________
Engl 410 _______________________________________
Engl 449 Special Studies in Contemporary Literature
Engl 490 ________________________________________
Engl 501 ________________________________________
Score: ____________
Lesson 93 Part Ⅱ
Lesson 93
Part Ⅱ The Growth Of Canning School (Ⅰ)
Lesson 93 Part Ⅲ
Lesson 93
Part Ⅲ The Growth Of Canning School (Ⅱ)
Ⅰ. 1._______ 2._______ 3. ______4.______ 5.______ 6._____
Lesson 93 Part I
Lesson 93
Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises
Note-taking: Some Undergraduate Courses in an English Department
Training Focus:
Note-taking: important words and phrases: course names Note-taking is a comprehensive skill, which requires careful training, and is highlighted in this book. However, note taking drills in Warming-up Exercises only offer the students some simple and single-sided practices to prepare them for more complex and intensive training in Parts Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Directions: You are going to hear a list of undergraduate courses offered ih a certain English Department. Listen carefully. Write down the course names as rapidly as you can. You can abbreviate the words in whatever way you like.
Engl 115 College Composition
Engl 116 Introduction to Literature
Engl 121 Literaturs, Poetry and Drama
Engl 201 Studies in Modern Literature
Engl 203 An Introduction to American Literature
Engl 225 Written and Verbal Communication
Engl 238 Canadian Literature
Engl 301 Children's Literature
Engl 360 Special Studies in Shakespeare
Engl 365 The Bibls in English
Engl 393 Myth and Literature
Engl 400 Advanced Workshop in Composition
Engl 410 Backgrounds to English Literature Tradition
Engl 449 Special Studies in Contemporary Literature
Engl 490 Directed Reading in English
Engl 501 Introduction to Research and Criticism
Lesson 93 Part Ⅱ The Growth Of Canning School ( Ⅰ )
Lesson 93
Part Ⅱ The Growth Of Canning School (Ⅰ)
Directions: Read the main topics that are dealt with in this part of the talk. Notice what notes have been made for the “Introduction.” Then continue making notes on your own for Topics A----D.
Key: A. 6 new classrooms, biology lab, extra teachers' room. Hall extended to hold 800. Physics lab re-equipped. Gym re-fitted. New playing-fields, swimming-pool, 2 tennis courts.
B. 32/450, 46/700+.
C. French, German/+Spanish, Russian.
D. 12 to 15/about 40.
The Growth Of Cannang School (Ⅰ) (3′32 ″)
Today you are going to hear the report made by the headmaster of a school.
I have been headmaster of Canning School for exactly ten years, and I should like to take this opportunity to review some of the changes that have taken place during this period. Without any question this has been a period of expansion, and in this respect I have continued the work of my predecessor. The school has grown. Not only is it physically larger, in terms of buildings , staff and pupils, but our achievements in examinations too have been considerable. All this is good cause for satisfaction.
I should like to deal with the building programme first. We have added six new classrooms: a biology laboratory, and because of the increase in the staff, an extra teachers' room. The hall----this hall in which you are now standing---- has been extended, so that there is now room for eight hundred people, and it can also serve as a theatre for our dramatic activities. The physics laboratory has been re----equipped, and the gymnasium re-fitted with new apparatus. Much of this has been possible because of the generosity of parents, and former pupils, so many of whom contributed to the building fund. Furthermore, we have acquired new playing-fields, and only last year we built a swimming-pool and two tennis courts. These were paid for out of a donation by Mr David Friend, who, unfortunately, because of illness cannot be present with us today.
Ten years ago we had a staff of thirty-two teachers, and four hundred and fifty boys. Now we have forty-six teachers, and just over seven hundred boys. This is not just an increase in numbers. We have also added to----and I hope improved---- the curriculum. In addition to French and German, we also teach Spanish and Russian. We have more boys taking science subjects, and our successes in these subjects have been striking---- thanks to the energies of our excellent science staff. But I should now like to turn to our scholastic record in general.
Earlier on I mentioned our examination successes. We are proud of these----rightly, I think----especially since a large number of our boys now go on to university. Ten years ago, an average of twelve to fifteen boys went on to university. Now the number is about forty. These are especially in science subjects, as I have indicated, but also in modern languages. All this, I like to think, is due largely to our change in teaching methods, which, under the influence of certain members of the staff, have undergone a small revolution. I think it might be called that. As many of you are aware, in this part of the country we are regarded as a model school, and I hope that our reputation for good teaching----for sound teaching----will continue to grow.
Lesson 93 Part Ⅲ The Growth Of fanning School ( Ⅱ )
Lesson 93
Part Ⅲ The Growth Of fanning School (Ⅱ)
Directions: Decide whether the statements you hear on the tape are tuae or false. Write T for true and F for false.
Key: 1. Both the football and cricket teams are successful. (T)
2.Mr George Wood is retiring. (F)
3.The newest club is the Jazz Club. (T)
4.The Debating Society has been successful. (T)
5.The production of‘Hamlet’was shown on TV. (F)
6.The Senior English Master has already retired. (F)
Directions: Make notes for Topics E----G.
Key: E.2 strong football+2 cricket teams.
F.20 clubs +societies. Debating Society very successful in competitions and appeared on TV. Dramatic Society active: 3 productions last year. ‘Hamlet’attracted attention in press.
G.Mr Thomas Brown, Senior English Master, retiring after 35 years in school.
The Growth Of Canning School (Ⅱ) (1′53 ″)
Side by side, we have enjoyed many successes in sports too. We now have two strong football teams, and two strong cricket teams, and both continue to win many of their matches. Much of the credit for this must go to Mr George Wood, who, like myself, joined the staff ten years ago. We regret that he is now leaving----to take up a new appointment, but we wish him every success for the future.
Social activities in the school have continued to develop. We have more than twenty clubs and societies, the latest addition being our Jazz Club. Our Debating Society has gone from strength to strength. Last year it won three competitions, and finally made an appearance on television. We are very proud of this. We are also proud of our dramatic activities. The Dramatic Society continues to be very active. Last year there were three productions, including ‘Hamlet’, which attracted a great deal of attention in the press.
Before I conclude this address, I should like to pay thanks to a member of staff who is going to retire, at the end of this year. I am referring, of course, to our Senior English Master, Mr Thomas Brown, who has taught in this school for over thirty-five years. All his pupils, many of whom are present in this hall today, remember him with affection and gratitude. It is largely thanks to him that the Dramatic Society----which I have just referred to----has flourished, and achieved so many successes. We shall all miss him, but we wish him a long and happy retirement.