代表电影:She's the Man《足球宝贝》(2006)
梦 想:与男子足球队员同场较量,证明自己的实力。
但接下来的训练却困难重重:Viola不仅要接受高强度的训练,还得时时注意掩盖自己的女生身份。第一场训练下来,Viola由于不尽人意的表现,便被教练无情地划分到了Second String(替补队员)。为了完成自己的梦想,她不分白天黑夜更加努力地练习,最终获得了上场比赛的资格。
Viola: I am sorry. This isn't how I wanted it to happen, and I didn't want to hurt you. But I just want to prove that I was good enough. All I'm asking for is a chance. Duke?
Duke: It's just like what coach says before every game: "Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. And some have greatness thrust (用力推) upon them." I think the best chance for us to be great here today is to have you play.
体育项目:冰上曲棍球(Ice Hockey)
梦 想:率领球队击败"世界冰球长胜王",延续未能实现的奥运冠军梦想。
Herb: Think you can win on talent alone? Gentlemen, you don't have enough talent to win on talent alone. Again!
Herb: If you think you can come here and play the Norwegian National team and tie them and then go to the Olympics and win, you got another thing coming. [吹哨下令再练] You better think about something else, each and every one of you. When you pull on that jersey (运动套衫), you represent yourself and your teammates. And the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back!〔7〕 Get that through your head! Again! [吹哨下令再练] Win, lose, or tie, you're gonna play like champions! Again!
Herb: You keep playing this way, you won't beat anybody who's even good, let alone (更别提) great. You want to make this team, then you better start playing at a level that's gonna force me to keep you here. Again!
Herb: This cannot be a team of common men because common men go nowhere. You have to be uncommon. Again!
Mike: Mike Eruzione! Winthrop, Massachusetts!
Herb: Who do you play for?
Mike: I play for the United States of America.
Herb: That's all, gentlemen.
Herb: Two days later, the miracle was made complete. My boys defeated Finland to win the gold medal, coming from behind once again. As I watched them out there celebrating on the ice, I realized that Patti had been right: It was a lot more than a hockey game. Not only for those who watched it, but for those who played in it. I've often been asked in the years since Lake Placid: what was the best moment for me. Well, it was here: The sight of 20 young men of such different backgrounds now standing as one; Young men willing to sacrifice so much of themselves all for an unknown. A few years later, the U.S. began using professional athletes at the games: Dream Teams. I always found that term ironic because now that we have dream teams, we seldom ever get to dream. But on one weekend, as America and the world watched, a group of remarkable young men gave the nation what it needed most: A chance, for one night, not only to dream; but a chance, once again, to believe.
代表电影:Like Mike 2: Streetball 《像乔丹一样打球2之街球版》(2006)
梦 想:赢得街头篮球锦标赛,成为像自己的偶像"Air Jordan"一样的篮球高手。
爱好篮球的Jerome一直怀有一个坚定的梦想:变成像"Air Jordan"一样的篮球高手,让大家都称他为"Air Jerome"。可惜的是,他球技平平。直到Jerome偶然捡到的一双魔鞋,这双鞋轻而易举地帮他达成了梦想。穿上这双印有"MJ"的魔鞋,Jerome便犹如飞人Michael Jordan附身,顿时变身篮球高手,在球场上所向披靡。
但是,魔鞋失去魔力的那一天,便也是Jerome梦想破灭的一天。在"King of Concrete"街头篮球锦标赛中,魔鞋开了一条很大的口子,失去了魔力,队友也负伤被迫退场。这时,多亏父亲及时出现并亲自上场加入比赛。父子俩配合默契,最终赢得了比赛。
Jerome虽然没有实现自己的梦想,变成"Air Jerome",但却从父亲身上领悟到了篮球运动的真谛:The game is pure. Just play for fun!
[被大个子赶出训练场的Jerome发誓要刻苦练习,赢得街球世界巡回赛和"King of Concrete"街头篮球锦标赛。]
Jerome: Man, one day we're gonna win this tournament.
Nate: Yeah, and one day I'm gonna be Beyonce's (著名女歌手碧昂斯) boyfriend. Let's see which one happens first.
Jerome: Come on, Nate. Why are you going to be like that? Man, you know my dad won that tournament back in '89. Perhaps his name is right there on the Ball of Fame with all the great players that came off these courts.
Rode: I wouldn't call any of us great players.
Jerome: That's why we need to practice every day. So we can get good enough to win this competition and get our names up there next to his.
Nate: Then what? You think if you do this, your dad would hang out with you more or something?
Jerome: I don't know. lt couldn't hurt. Everyone around here thinks my dad is the choker〔8〕. I wanna give them something else to think about when they hear the name Jerome Jenkins.
Father: You know you can't play college ball if you get paid from endorsements(广告代言). You know, you can use your gift and better yourself〔9〕. You can get a scholarship to a good school and get an education. Or you can-You can bet it all right now, with the hopes of what? Becoming a legend? I know too many playground legends that can't afford to put food on their tables.
Jerome: That's not gonna happen to me.
Father: That's right. That's what they tell you, right? You're gonna be the best there ever was. You'll be rich and famous. But when you're at the foul line〔10〕 and you think about all the money, fame, and how much better you are than your teammates, it gets kind of hard to see the basket. And when you miss, suddenly, miraculously (奇迹般地), no one's around to tell you anything anymore.
Jerome: That was you. That's not me.
Father: But you're following in my shoes. You're playing with your head, not with your heart. Hey, Jerome, the game is supposed to be pure, supposed to be fun.
代表电影:Glory Road《光荣之路》(2006)
梦 想:训练队员靠着坚实的篮球基础,冲破重重障碍,赢得正规篮球赛。
Haskins是一位白人篮球教练,由于在掌管女子篮球队方面的出色成绩,被分派去执教西德州联队(Texas Western)。这支球队不仅基础差,而且白人球员根本不愿意听一个前女篮教练的指挥。于是Haskins四处游走,招募了一群非常有潜力的黑人学生,组建了球队。起初,这些黑人球员无法区别正规篮球与街头篮球,而且他们对种族问题极度敏感,使得Haskins的训练和管理过程困难重重。经过一个训练期的接触,Haskins坚定的信念感染了球队里的每一个人,队员们通力合作,球队一路披荆斩棘,直指决赛,最终如愿以偿地获得了NCAA(美国全国大学生体育协会)的总冠军。
Haskins: Excuse me. I'm the basketball coach down at Texas Western. I'd like to talk to you about playing for me there.
Hill: Thanks. But no, thanks. I'm done playing this game. They hardly put me on the floor tonight.
Haskins: I'm offering a full scholarship.
Hill: Uh-huh. You sign me up like your token (标志) negro; bury me at the end of the bench. I'd rather hang it up. Do something else. Be the next Smokey Robinson. I might even run for president.
Haskins: You got a real talent, son. Why throw it away?
Hill: I'll tell you why. Ever since I was a kid, I only loved one thing-that was playing ball. Do you understand what that's like to have that ball in your hand? It's like... it's like making sweet music with your game. The only thing is, you don't wanna hear the song.
Haskins: You talk a good game, Hill. But I didn't come here to find a player who can sit on the bench. I intend to start you-start NCAA Division One ball.
Hill: What is it with you, mister? I've accepted it. What are you smoking?〔11〕
Haskins: I ain't smoking nothing, son. As you just told me about a big old dream you have, I can let you play. I can help you make your dream come true faster than a twister'll take your socks off.〔12〕
Hill: You talk funny.
Haskins: So do you.
Hill: You gonna let a black player play from the get-go?
Haskins: I don't see color. I see quick, I see skill, and that's what you have. And that's what I'll put on the court.
Haskins: You spilled a lot of sweat on this floor, and it's gonna pay off. Now, I know it seems I've been hard on you for no reason. But I've been tough because I know how good you can be. People outside this gym, they don't think we got a chance this season playing with bunches of players none of the big schools wanted. But those people don't know you. I do. You're talented. You're disciplined. And you care about the guy standing next to you. And that's how we're gonna win, starting tomorrow night. So let's go out there. Let's play Texas Western basketball. Let's make that mean something. On three. One ... two... three. [队员和Haskins一齐喊] Miners (得州矿工队)!
推荐电影:The Rookie《棒球新秀》(2002)
梦 想:重拾昔日对棒球的热爱和信心,继续曾经中断的追梦之旅,成为职业棒球选手,打入世界职业棒球联赛。
12年前的一次肩膀受伤使得原本颇有前途的投手Jimmy Morris提早结束了自己的棒球生涯,转而执起了教鞭。但他所在的高中棒球球队的小伙子们听说了他过去的事情,并因此和他定下了一个"君子协定":如果他们的球队可以顺利的杀出地区锦标赛,获得全国赛的参赛资格,那么,教练Jimmy就要重新上场比赛,并要努力进入职业联盟。
Jimmy: Anybody want to tell me how we lost that game? Hmm? No? How about taking a look at the numbers on that scoreboard out there? What do those numbers tell you?
Player A: How to get ahold of Bo's Tire Barn (该小镇最著名的轮胎厂名,其广告正位于记分板的正下方)?
Jimmy: You quit. You quit out there. You quit on me. And worse, you quit on yourselves. Now, what is it? Think people don't care about baseball around here? Think the school's gonna drop the program? You just make it easy for them. Sad part about it is, I see it and you don't. Look, guys ... Most of you ... You're gonna finish up school here; you're gonna work the rigs (钻井架); you're gonna work at Bo's Tire Barn; you're gonna raise a family and retire; and you're gonna do all that right here in Big Lake. And there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of real good people have done that. I'm doing it. But if you're looking for something more after you're done here, you better give some serious thought as to how you're gonna play out the rest of this season.
Player B: What difference does it make? I mean, it's not like any of us are getting scholarships.
Jimmy: I'm not talking about college. I'm talking about wanting things in life. I'm talking about having dreams. And all that starts right here. Okay? Right here. You don't have dreams. You don't have anything.