Carmen: Here you go.
Driver: You got a key, honey?
Carmen: No.
Driver: Doesn't look like anybody's home.
Carmen: They're probably out looking for me. But I'll be fine, thank you.
Driver: All right.
Telephone message: Hi, this is Tibby. Here comes the beep. Hopefully you know what to do with it.
Carmen: Tib, it's me, it's Carmen. I'm coming home. Everything got screwed up, and I snapped. And I don't care, and...I'm just fed up, and I can't be here......so I called you, because I knew you...knew you'd understand.
Bailey: You know what I like most about the stars? You look at them, at all of them up there...and you just know there's gotta be something more than...
Tibby: Life?
Bailey: There has to be.
Tibby: Are you scared?
Bailey: Not of dying, really. It's more that I'm afraid of time. And not having enough of it. Time to figure out who I'm supposed to be...to find my place in the world before I have to leave it. I'm afraid of what I'll miss. What?
Tibby: Nothing.

Lena: Bridget just lights everything up. She makes everything more fun. And Carmen is brilliant, but she doesn't know it. And Tibby...well, Tibby kind of marches to her own drum. I'm kind of jealous of her.
Kostos: Why?
Lena: Well, because she knows who she is.
Kostos: Don't you?
Lena: I don't know. I think I know who I wanna be. What you were saying the other day, about me being afraid? Well, it's hard to explain. All my life, everybody's always...kind of seen me a certain way. And I didn't... I don't...
Kostos: No, it's all right, I understand.
Lena: Do you?
Kostos: Yeah. Some people show off their beauty because they want the world to see it. Others try to hide their beauty because they want the world to see something else.
Lena: And what do you see?
Kostos: Everything.