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    Waiter: Good evening, sir. Hatherton welcomes you aboard.

    Ghost Writer: Thank you. It's my first time in a private jet.

    Amelia: Well, let's hope it's not your last.

    Lang: Hi, man. Take your seat.

    Ghost Writer: Thanks.

    Lang: Hey, bring my ghost a Calvados.

    Waiter: Yes, sir.

    Ghost Writer: Do you mind?

    Lang: Leave it off for now. Ruth said you were in New York to see Maddox.

    Ghost Writer: That's right.

    Lang: How was he?

    Ghost Writer: He was fine.

    Lang: Full of energy?

    Ghost Writer: You know John.

    Lang: Yes, l do know John. As a matter of fact, l was just with him. You never saw him today, did you?

    Ghost Writer: No.

    Lang: Do you have something to tell me?

    Ghost Writer: I went to see Emmett.

    Lang: That windbag! Why?

    Ghost Writer: I know about you and Emmett.

    Lang: Me and Emmett?

    Ghost Writer: l know that he was your.. .

    Lang: My?

    Ghost Writer: Handler, if that's what they're called.

    Lang: My handler?

    Ghost Writer: Yeah, that he was your handler in the ClA.

    Lang: Oh, my God. You're serious, aren't you? 

    Ghost Writer: When McAra found this, he went to Boston to show it to Emmett, and he died on the way home, and l think he was murdered.

    Lang: I think you've had a few too many of those already.

    Ghost Writer: It was McAra who believed that Emmett told you to go into politics in the first place.

    Lang: Emmett? I barely knew the man.

    Ghost Writer: And that story of yours about why you joined the party and Ruth and the canvassing, well, the dates don't fit.

    Lang: I got the dates wrong. Big deal!

    Ghost Writer: Then when he found this photograph, and he heard the rumors about Emmett being in the ClA.. .

    Lang: Rumors?

    Ghost Writer: It's on the lnternet.

    Lang: I've never heard such utter balls in my entire life. Mike would never have believed such crap. He was too clever. Too loyal.

    Ghost Writer: Mike betrayed you to Rycart.

    Lang: How do you know that?

    Ghost Writer: He told me.

    Lang: Rycart? He's lying.

    Ghost Writer: This phone number on the back of the photograph, it's Rycart's. The handwriting, that's McAra's.

    Lang: Mike. Mike, Mike.

    Ghost Writer: And you knew he was disillusioned. You had a big row with him just before he died.

    Lang: Yes, I know, but he never mentioned this. This is just.. . This is grotesque. I've never taken orders from anyone. Whatever I did, I did because I believed it was right.

    Ghost Writer:  What, even supporting illegal kidnapping for torture?

    Lang: Oh, for God's sake, spare me the bleeding-heart bullshit! Do you know what I'd do if I was in power again? I'd have two queues at airports. One for flights where we'd done no background checks, infringed on no one's civil bloody liberties, used no intelligence gained by torture. And on the other flight, we'd do everything we possibly could to make it perfectly safe. And then we'd see which plane the Rycarts of this world would put their bloody kids on! And you can put that in the book!

    Protestors:: Go home! Go home! Here comes the killer! Prosecute for torture!

    Reporter: Mr. Lang! Mr. Lang, will you live in America? Mr. Lang, will you take American citizenship?

    Lang: When we get back to the house, we need to have a meeting.

    Ruth: Oh, my God! -

    Bodyguard: Murderer! Firing from the roof!

    Ruth: Let me go to him! No! No!

      上一篇:惊悚悬疑大片:捉刀手精讲之四 下一篇:惊悚悬疑大片:捉刀手精讲之六


