Samantha: One night in Abu Dhabi, all expenses paid.
Carrie: I've always been fascinating about the Middle East, desert moons, magic carpets.
Lily: Like Jasmine and Aladdin?
Carrie: Yes sweety. Just like Jasmine but with cocktails.
Charlotte: It really is exciting. When are you gonna go?
Samantha: I don't know. When can you all be free? You didn't think I was going without my gals?
Miranda: What?
Samantha: I told the sheikh I'd go on one condition. I get to bring my 3 best girlfriends.
Carrie: Get out the town.
Samantha: My point excatly. And we are being flown on sheikh's own airline.
Carrie: He has his own airline? Oh that is one sheikh.
Samantha: Super super super first class. And you get your own individual sweet on the plane.
Miranda: Oh my god.
Samantha: All expense are paied for everything for all 4 of us. All we have to do is pick the week and the sooner the better. I can hear the decade's calling.
Miranda: Let me just check my work schedule. Yeah. All clear.
Caiire: I gotta check with old, but I'm good to go Middle East.
Samantha: Charlotte, how's 3 weeks from now?
Charlotte: I don't know.
Samantha: We have to go this month. Because next month it gets so high, you burn into flames.
Carrie: That's not a website.
Charlotte: I mean I don't know if I can go at all. I have two children.
Samantha: Yes yes, but you have a husband and a full-time nanny. You said so youself the kids love the nanny right?
Charlotte: Yes. But...
Samantha: But what? What's the problem? We haven't been anywhere together since Carrie and Big's wedding blow up honeymoon disaster.
Carrie: Memories.
Samantha: And that was 2 years ago. Two years of bad business and this bullshit economy and I'm done!We need to go somewhere rich.
Charlotte: Samantha I appreciate...
Samantha: No! I go to children's birthday parties for you. You are going to Abu Dhabi for me.
Miranda: Children's brithday party, pulling out the big guns.
Charlotte: Ok!
Samantha: Thank you!
Carrie: Look at us! Going to Abu Dhabi.