Natalie: Never?
Ryan: No.
Natalie: Ever?
Ryan: No.
Natalie: You never want to get married?
Ryan: Nope.
Natalie: Never want kids?
Ryan: Not a chance.
Natalie: Ever?
Ryan: Never. Is that so bizarre?
Natalie: Yes. Yes, it is.
Ryan: I just don't see the value in it. All right, sell it to me.
Natalie: What?
Ryan: Sell me marriage.
Natalie: Okay, how about love? Stability, just somebody you can count on.
Ryan: How many stable marriages do you know?
Natalie: Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with.
Ryan: I'm surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that's going to change.
Natalie: How about just not dying alone?
Ryan: Starting when I was 12, we moved each one of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. Now, those cult members in San Diego with the Kool-Aid and the sneakers, they didn't die alone. I'm just saying there are options.
Natalie: Brian left me.
Ryan: All right. Okay, okay. All right. All right. Yeah. Hey. Natalie, this is Alex, my friend. This is Natalie.
Alex: I should give you both a moment.
Natalie: No. No, that's fine. I'm fine. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Ryan: We should just all go up to our rooms and freshen up.
Alex: Or maybe a drink?
Natalie: Now you're talking.
Alex: He broke up with you over text message?
Ryan: It's kind of like firing someone over the Internet.
Alex: What a weaselly prick.
Natalie: Yeah. But what does that make me? Someone who falls for a prick.
Alex: We all fall for them. Pricks are spontaneous, they're unpredictable, and they're fun. And then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.
Natalie: I followed him to Omaha.
Ryan: You did?
Natalie: I had a job waiting for me in San Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra. He said we could start a life together. So, I followed him.
Ryan: To Nebraska?
Natalie: I thought I'd be engaged by now. No offense.
Ryan: None taken.
Natalie: When I was 16, I thought by 23 I'd be married, maybe have a kid, corner office by day, entertaining at night. I was supposed to be driving a Grand Cherokee by now.
Alex: Yeah, life can underwhelm you that way.
Natalie: I mean, where did you think you'd be by...
Alex: It doesn't work that way.
Ryan: At a certain point, you stop with the deadlines.
Alex: It can be a little counterproductive.
Natalie: I don't want to say anything that's anti-feminist. I really appreciate everything that your generation did for me.
Alex: It was our pleasure.
Ryan: Well done.
Natalie: But sometimes it feels like no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.
Alex: You really thought this guy was the one?
Natalie: I could have made it work. He... He really fit the bill. You know?
Ryan: The bill?
Natalie: White-collar, college grad, loves dogs, likes funny movies, 6'1", brown hair, kind eyes, works in finance but is outdoorsy, you know, on the weekends. I always imagined he'd have a single syllable name like Matt or John or Dave. In a perfect world, he drives a 4Runner. And the only thing he loves more than me is his golden Lab. And a nice smile. What about you?
Alex: Let me think. You know, honestly, by the time you're 34, all the physical requirements just go out the window. I mean, like, you secretly pray that he'll be taller than you, and not an asshole would be nice. Just someone who enjoys my company, comes from a good family. Because you don't think about that when you're younger. I don't know. Someone who wants kids. Likes kids. Wants kids. Healthy enough to play with his kids. Please let him earn more money than I do. You might not understand that now, but believe me, you will one day. Otherwise, that's a recipe for disaster. And hopefully some hair on his head, but, I mean, even that's not a deal breaker these days. A nice smile. Yeah, a nice smile. Nice smile just might do it.
Natalie: Wow, that was depressing. I should just date women.
Alex: Tried it. We're no picnic ourselves.
Natalie: I don't mind being married to my career, and I don't expect it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep. I just don't want to settle.
Alex: You're young. Right now you see settling as some sort of a failure.
Natalie: It is, by definition.
Alex: Yeah. But by the time someone is right for you, it won't feel like settling.And the only person left to judge you will be the 23-year-old girl with a target on your back.